2024-08-29 17:55:07

Germany's Security Package Faces Criticism

Germany's recently announced security package, which includes measures to tighten asylum and weapons laws, has faced criticism from various stakeholders. The opposition parties argue that the measures are inadequate and do not go far enough to address the issues of illegal migration, border rejections, and deportation.

The police union is also dissatisfied, stating that they were expecting more powers and resources to combat terrorism and improve border control. Even within the ruling coalition, there are concerns about certain aspects of the package, such as the reduction of social benefits for certain refugees.

However, some political leaders, like FDP leader Christian Lindner, have welcomed the measures, particularly the stricter rules for asylum seekers. The security package was introduced in response to the recent knife attack in Solingen and aims to enhance security and prevent similar incidents in the future.

The discussions surrounding the package highlight the ongoing debates in Germany about migration, terrorism, and the balance between security measures and protecting individual rights and freedoms.

28. August 2024 um 23:12

Kühnert: "We have an enforcement problem"

Chancellor Scholz wants to discuss consequences with the states and the Union after the Solingen attack. SPD general secretary Kühnert criticizes that the "Germany Pact" on asylum policy failed in 2023. The traffic light coalition has tightened laws, for example, extending detention pending deportation to 28 days and expanding search rights for officials. Kühnert also strongly criticizes the deportation practice in North Rhine-Westphalia. Journalist Güvercin sees Islamism as a German reality...
Tagesschau - Innenpolitik - aktuelle Nachrichten
29. August 2024 um 11:12

Are Merz's asylum demands legally feasible?

CDU leader Merz is calling for a tougher migration policy, but many of his proposals are legally hardly feasible. Permanent border controls and rejections violate EU law; the Dublin III Regulation cannot simply be suspended. Blanket admission stops or deportations are not possible due to the Geneva Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights - individual case review and a ban on deportation in case of a risk of torture are necessary. Deportations often fail due to a lack of..
29. August 2024 um 13:39

Failed Deportation: NRW Refugee Minister Paul Holds 'Error-Prone System' Partly Responsible

Failed Deportation: NRW Refugee Minister Paul Holds 'Error-Prone System' Partly Responsible
The refugee minister of North Rhine-Westphalia is accused by the SPD of not living up to her responsibility and being 'publicly underground for days'. SPD deputy Lisa Kapteinat says the minister has 'simply not cared enough', even though she is 'the head of the system'.
29. August 2024 um 13:33

Migration and Security: After Solingen: Government Adopts Package of Measures

Migration and Security: After Solingen: Government Adopts Package of Measures
It has not even been a week since the alleged Islamist attack in Solingen. The federal government is responding with concrete measures.


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