2024-08-30 17:55:08

Union criticizes insufficient asylum package

Image courtesy of : AFP (INA FASSBENDER)

The Union finds the new asylum package proposed by the Federal Government in response to the knife attack in Solingen to be insufficient. They demand stronger measures such as border rejections, application of the Dublin principle, and consistent deportations.

The AfD leader criticizes the plans as 'panic PR' ahead of upcoming elections. Mixed reactions within the Greens: the Green Youth criticizes the tightening of asylum laws, while party leader Nouripour praises the plans to strengthen security authorities.

CDU politician Jens Spahn calls for the suspension of EU law to respond to Islamist attacks. The police union criticizes the security package and demands simplification of the weapons law and increased police presence.

In Italy, the press sees the Solingen attack as confirmation of the need for stricter migration policies. The discussions in the NRW state parliament focus on the government's response to the attack and potential shortcomings in the asylum process.

The case highlights the challenges of implementing deportations and the complex jurisdictional structure. The debate on asylum and migration policies raises questions about how other countries, such as Sweden and Denmark, handle the issue.

Civil society organizations and church representatives criticize the proposed asylum law changes as unconstitutional and counterproductive. The hunting association calls for a knife ban for asylum seekers instead of stricter regulations for legal gun owners.

29. August 2024 um 19:30

The Union finds the new asylum package insufficient

After the knife attack in Solingen, the Federal Government is planning measures such as knife bans and cuts in social benefits for individuals obliged to leave the country. The Union considers this to be insufficient and instead demands border rejections, application of the Dublin principle, and consistent deportations. AfD leader Weidel criticizes the plans as 'panic PR' ahead of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, while Sahra Wagenknecht from the BSW alliance describes the measures..
30. August 2024 um 07:30

Asylum and Migration Policy: Why Don't We Do It Like Sweden and Denmark?

Asylum and Migration Policy: Why Don't We Do It Like Sweden and Denmark?
Sweden and Denmark are pursuing a restrictive asylum policy to limit irregular migration. Sweden is going to the limits of the law to deter asylum seekers by not increasing social benefits, making family reunification more difficult, and severely restricting labor migration. Sweden is not shying away from going to the limits of what is legally permissible in order to send a clear deterrent signal, with the aim of abolishing everything that is not mandatorily prescribed by international and Eur..
30. August 2024 um 10:30

Reactions to Tightening of Asylum Laws: 'Foreseeable Unconstitutional'

Reactions to Tightening of Asylum Laws: 'Foreseeable Unconstitutional'
Planned tightening of asylum laws is met with criticism from civil society and churches; Constitutional Court warns against benefit cuts; Federal government plans cuts for Dublin cases; First deportations to Afghanistan under Taliban rule.
30. August 2024 um 10:08

"Blanket Harassment of Legal Gun Owners": Hunters Demand Knife Ban for Asylum Seekers

"Blanket Harassment of Legal Gun Owners": Hunters Demand Knife Ban for Asylum Seekers
The hunting association criticizes the planned tightening of gun laws for legal gun owners as "window dressing" without any connection to terrorism, since the acts were committed by asylum seekers. Instead, it demands weapons bans for asylum seekers, weapons ban zones in asylum accommodation, a sales ban on knives with a blade length of more than 4 cm, and complains that the hunting authorities are being weakened.


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