2024-08-31 13:29:08

Election Campaign in Saxony and Thuringia

Image courtesy of : AFP (MICHAELA STACHE)

The election campaign in Saxony and Thuringia is entering its final phase, with 3.3 million voters being called to participate in the elections. The CDU and AfD are in a neck-and-neck race, while the SPD, Greens, and Left are concerned about re-entry into the state parliaments.

The new player, Sahra Wagenknecht's alliance, is polling well. The elections in Saxony and Thuringia are seen as a crucial regional test and could have implications for the federal elections.

The rise of the AfD has raised concerns about its anti-Semitic ideology and extremism links. The low party loyalty in eastern Germany has benefited the AfD and Wagenknecht's alliance.

The election results could have an impact on coalition formations and the overall party landscape. The central issue in the election campaigns has been migration and refugees.

The CDU is focusing on its migration policies, while the AfD is gaining support. The election outcome in Thuringia could also determine the future of democracy in the region.

Overall, the elections in Saxony and Thuringia are being closely watched and could have significant repercussions.

31. August 2024 um 09:53

Decisive mood test: How the East elections affect the federal parties - n-tv.de

Decisive mood test: How the East elections affect the federal parties - n-tv.de
State elections in East Germany are a mood test for federal parties; SPD, Greens, FDP, CDU, AfD, BSW and Left face challenges such as entering parliament, participating in government, running for chancellor and party leadership; the results could have an impact on coalitions and the party landscape, also for the federal election campaign.
Berliner Zeitung
31. August 2024 um 10:06

Political Earthquake in Saxony and Thuringia: Can Only One Party Prevent an AfD Government?

Political Earthquake in Saxony and Thuringia: Can Only One Party Prevent an AfD Government?
Upcoming state elections in Saxony and Thuringia; Possible coalitions, including CDU-BSW, CDU-AfD, AfD-BSW; Challenges for the CDU to come to terms with the Left Party or the BSW.
31. August 2024 um 10:01

Possible AfD success in state elections: What the right-wingers can do

Possible AfD success in state elections: What the right-wingers can do
A constitutional reform in Thuringia already failed before the election due to the required two-thirds majority, which the AfD could block with 33% or more.
31. August 2024 um 09:50

CDU election campaign in Saxony: "Of course we notice"

Migration is the central theme of the CDU election campaign in Saxony. The party wants to show that it would act differently from the traffic light coalition government. However, it is also accused of having been in power for 16 years itself. The phrase "We can do it" by former Chancellor Merkel still haunts the Christian Democrats. The attack in Solingen overshadows everything. Saxony's Minister President Kretschmer calls for peace negotiations with Russia and rejects further arms deliveries..


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