2024-09-02 05:50:08

Call for General Strike in Israel After Discovery of Dead Hostages

Image courtesy of : AFP (OREN ZIV)

Massive protests have erupted in Israel following the retrieval of six dead hostages from Gaza. The Families of the Hostages and Missing Persons Forum has called for a general strike and a major demonstration in Tel Aviv, urging the government to immediately reach an agreement for the release of the remaining hostages.

The Histadrut, Israel's largest labor union, has been asked to join the strike. Opposition leader Jair Lapid has also called for a general strike, criticizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not saving the hostages.

Israel's Defense Minister, Joav Gallant, has urged the government to reverse its decision on the presence of Israeli troops in the Philadelphi Corridor, a key point of contention in ceasefire negotiations and hostage release. The situation has led to widespread anger and protests, with demands for a truce and the release of the remaining hostages.

1. September 2024 um 20:12

The recovery in Gaza of six more Israeli hostages without life awakens indignation against Netanyahu

The news that the Israeli army has recovered the bodies of six hostages from an underground tunnel in the Rafah area in the south of Gaza has generated an outrage not seen in the country for months and which may affect the stability of the Government. Already, late on Saturday, social networks were boiling with the information, which the army had not yet confirmed and added more fuel to the fire. Because a week earlier, another six hostages had also been recovered in the Strip. The twelve had..
2. September 2024 um 01:57

Mass Protests in Tel Aviv: The Mood in Israel is Shifting

Mass protests in Israel are demanding an agreement with Hamas to release hostages. The trade union federation is planning a general strike to increase pressure on the government. Right-wing politicians like Bezalel Smotrich reject concessions and threaten to leave the government. Demonstrators are blocking streets in Tel Aviv. According to the forensic institute, hostages were shot dead shortly before being discovered. Mediators are planning a last attempt at negotiations for a ceasefire agree..
2. September 2024 um 01:42

Mass Protests in Israel following the recovery of dead Gaza hostages

Mass Protests in Israel following the recovery of dead Gaza hostages
Mass protests in Israel following the recovery of dead Gaza hostages; General strike to increase pressure on Netanyahu to reach an agreement with Hamas; Demonstrators demand the release of the remaining hostages.
The Guardian
2. September 2024 um 15:11

Israel braced for nationwide strike amid anger at handling of Gaza hostage talks

Israel faces nationwide strike over failed Gaza hostage rescue, shutting down Ben Gurion airport. Widespread protests, including highway blockades, amid anger at PM Netanyahu's stalling of US-backed Hamas deal. Histadrut union calls strike after Hostages Forum backing, despite injunction bid. US President Biden "devastated" by hostages' deaths, but "optimistic" on future deal. Analyst Nomi Bar-Yaacov sees "earthquake" in public pressure on Netanyahu over six hostages found dead in Rafah tunnels.
Tagesschau - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Asien
2. September 2024 um 03:24

Israel Massendemos nach Bergung von toten Geiseln

Massive Proteste in Israel nach Fund von 6 getöteten Geiseln, darunter ein US-Israeli; Forderung nach sofortigem Abkommen mit Hamas zur Freilassung verbliebener Geiseln; Verhandlungen zwischen Israel und Hamas unter Vermittlung von Katar und Ägypten kommen nicht voran; Geiseln wurden laut Bericht aus nächster Nähe erschossen; Hamas behauptet, Geiseln seien durch israelisches Bombardement getötet worden.


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