2024-09-03 17:55:08

Saxony: Voters have had enough of the traffic light coalition

Image courtesy of : AFP (JENS SCHLUETER)

The recent elections in Saxony have revealed the frustration of voters with the current traffic light coalition. The CDU narrowly won the election, but the people are angry and disappointed with democracy.

It is about changes in migration policy, energy policy, and Germany's stance on arms deliveries to Ukraine. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) will be the kingmaker, without which no government can be formed.

Premier Kretschmer wants to avoid a minority government, and the SPD is a potential coalition partner. The CDU must swallow some bitter pills in coalition negotiations with the BSW.

The AfD will not be part of the government, and the Greens can easily be kept off the cabinet table by the CDU. The new state parliament must convene by October 1, and a new government must take office by February 3, 2025, otherwise, there will be new elections or a minority government.

The situation is complex, and the future of the coalition remains uncertain. The results of the upcoming elections in Brandenburg will likely play a significant role in determining the future of the traffic light coalition.

2. September 2024 um 13:05

Saxony: Voters have had enough of the traffic light coalition

The CDU in Saxony has narrowly won the election, but the people are angry and disappointed with democracy. It's about changes in migration policy, energy policy and Germany's stance on arms deliveries to Ukraine. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) will be the kingmaker, without which no government can be formed. The CDU must swallow some bitter pills in coalition negotiations with the BSW. Premier Kretschmer wants to avoid a minority government, the SPD is a potential coalition partner. Unlike..
Tagesschau - Innenpolitik - aktuelle Nachrichten
3. September 2024 um 13:34

Traffic Light Losses in the States - Where are the Fault Lines of the Coalition?

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3. September 2024 um 14:04

Mr. President Steinmeier, what are you waiting for?

Mr. President Steinmeier, what are you waiting for?
Current situation: AfD, traffic light chaos, migration. The Federal President is holding back, although society is threatening to radicalize. Attack in Solingen, East elections with extremists and populists. Government facing challenges. Steinmeier should give a wake-up call to shake up society.
3. September 2024 um 13:59

After the attack in Solingen: Participants: Want to seek solutions at the migration meeting

After the attack in Solingen: Participants: Want to seek solutions at the migration meeting
Participants of the migration meeting, including Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD), members of the Union parliamentary group Thorsten Frei (CDU) and Andrea Lindholz (CSU) as well as Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU), want to find solutions for asylum and migration policy. The goal is to reach an understanding on further steps, even if a common result on all issues seems unrealistic.


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