2024-09-03 23:55:08

The Rise of Extreme Parties in Thuringia and Saxony: CDU Calls for Immigration Policy Correction

Image courtesy of : AFP (JENS SCHLUETER)

Parties on the extreme fringes, such as the AfD and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), are gaining strength in Thuringia and Saxony. CDU leader Friedrich Merz and Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer urge changes in immigration policy to prevent further damage.

The traffic light coalition government faces criticism for its handling of immigration. The CDU is willing to have talks with the BSW but not with the AfD or the Left Party.

The BSW is open to discussions with the CDU, SPD, and Left Party to form a coalition without the AfD. The Union demands border rejections as a condition for further migration discussions.

The FDP seeks ways to improve its poll ratings and strengthen its faction. Russian media celebrates the far-right gains in German regional elections, seeing it as supporting Moscow's interests in Ukraine and undermining German democracy.

The CDU's approach of equating the AfD and the Left Party is criticized. The future of the Ampel coalition is uncertain as the FDP considers its options.

The migration meeting between the government, Union, and the Länder discusses measures for returning rejected asylum seekers, combating terrorism, and tightening gun laws. The Union demands tougher measures than those proposed by the Ampel coalition.

The Thuringen and Saxony elections have highlighted the rise of the AfD and the BSW, which poses a challenge to the political system and democracy in Germany.

2. September 2024 um 13:31

Friedrich Merz: CDU Leader Sees the Traffic Light Coalition Responsible for the Success of AfD and BSW - DER SPIEGEL

Friedrich Merz: CDU Leader Sees the Traffic Light Coalition Responsible for the Success of AfD and BSW - DER SPIEGEL
In Thuringia and Saxony, parties of the extreme fringes, especially the AfD and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), are gaining strength. CDU leader Merz calls on the traffic light coalition government to correct its immigration policy. Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer also urges far-reaching changes in federal politics to avert damage to the country.
3. September 2024 um 17:18

Migration Meeting of the Traffic Light Coalition and the Union: The State Must Finally Regain Control

Migration Meeting of the Traffic Light Coalition and the Union: The State Must Finally Regain Control
Irregular migration out of control; the state must regain control. The traffic light coalition and the Union are meeting to discuss measures. Proposals to limit the number of asylum seekers must be legally possible and practically feasible. A third-country solution for asylum procedures outside the EU deserves consideration. Implementation deficits in the states must be addressed, as in the case of Solingen. Benefit cuts for Dublin refugees and the Union's emergency paragraph are being examined...
3. September 2024 um 17:16

After the attack in Solingen - Migration round with "constructive talks" - further consultations agreed

After the attack in Solingen - Migration round with "constructive talks" - further consultations agreed
The traffic light coalition, the Union and the federal states are consulting on a security package; the participants include Interior Minister Faeser, Justice Minister Buschmann, Foreign Minister Baerbock and Union faction representative Frei.
3. September 2024 um 17:06

After Solingen: Migration Round Agrees to Further Consultations

After Solingen: Migration Round Agrees to Further Consultations
The traffic light coalition, the Union, and the federal states have agreed to hold further consultations on the topic of migration. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) speaks of constructive discussions. Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) and Deputy Union Parliamentary Group Leader Thorsten Frei (CDU) also participated.


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