2024-09-04 09:00:08

No Money and Borders Closed

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The Migration Summit discusses tightening refugee policy after the Solingen attack and the AfD election. Some municipalities feel overburdened despite declining numbers.

The Deportation Improvement Act is criticized for its tightening measures. The federal government plans to cut funding for refugees, causing controversy.

There are plans to enable deportations to Syria and concessions to the Taliban. The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe has not determined whether cash or benefits in kind should secure the subsistence minimum.

The Dutch far-right government's proposed 'asylum crisis law' aligns with the Union's demands. Migration researcher Gerald Knaus sharply criticizes the Union's demand for border rejections.

A panel discussion explores how immigration has become a right-wing issue. The Union conditions further migration talks on border controls and rejections at German borders.

The FDP calls for the rejection of 'Dublin cases' and harmonization of EU-wide asylum benefits. The Green Party's Mihalic argues that border rejections are practically impossible and go against EU law.

The German Children's Fund warns against cutting benefits for refugees without a right to stay. Niedersachsens Innenministerin Daniela Behrens is optimistic about reaching an agreement on migration with the CDU.

Further discussions on the consequences of the Solingen attack are planned.

Frankfurter Rundschau
3. September 2024 um 15:01

No Money and Borders Closed

No Money and Borders Closed
The Migration Summit discusses tightening refugee policy after the Solingen attack and the AfD election. The numbers are declining, but some municipalities feel overburdened. The Deportation Improvement Act provides for tightening, but is criticized. The Dublin system does not work, the federal government plans cuts in funding for refugees, which is legally controversial. The federal government wants to enable deportations to Syria and concessions to the Taliban. The Federal Constitutional Court..
4. September 2024 um 01:24

Why asylum law has a "signaling effect"

The traffic light package provides for measures to return rejected asylum seekers, combat Islamist terrorism and tighten gun laws. In addition, the Dublin procedure for deporting asylum seekers to other European countries is to be improved.
4. September 2024 um 01:14

Irene Mihalic - Green Party Politician: Rejections at the Border Not Permissible

Irene Mihalic - Green Party Politician: Rejections at the Border Not Permissible
Green Party politician Mihalic sees the rejection of asylum seekers at the border as legally inadmissible, as the Dublin Regulation applies and the responsible member state must be determined. Amending European laws would be legally possible.
4. September 2024 um 05:53

Behrens optimistic about reaching an agreement with the CDU on migration

Behrens optimistic about reaching an agreement with the CDU on migration
Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens is optimistic that the traffic light coalition, the Union, and the federal and state governments will soon agree on a package to curb irregular migration. She expressed the hope that "we will soon agree on a solid package of measures between the democratic forces in this country and then implement it legally and in practice in a timely manner".


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