2024-09-04 05:50:09

Thuringia State Elections: CDU's Coalition Talks with the Hard-Left

Image courtesy of : AFP (ODD ANDERSEN)

The CDU in Thuringia has announced preliminary talks with left-wing parties BSW and SPD after the regional vote. The far-right AfD emerged as the winner and centrist parties were squeezed.

The 'cordon sanitaire' limits coalition options, but CDU regional leader and officials will lead the negotiations. Regional governments have decision-making power on both local and national issues.

The talks are not formal coalition or exploratory talks, according to the CDU executive. National CDU leader Merz has reaffirmed the rejection of alliances with AfD and Linke.

The CDU faces a dilemma as it is the only party from the center that still plays a significant role in Thuringia. The party aims to hold onto its decision to not form coalitions or cooperate with AfD and Linke.

The situation in Thuringia will require careful consideration of potential cooperation with the available parties. The CDU must find a solution as the party that was elected to govern the region.

The talks may lead to unexpected outcomes as parties explore different possibilities. The CDU's rejection of working with the AfD is based on the fact that the AfD, led by Björn Höcke, has gained significant support and is considered a right-wing extremist party.

The CDU also has reservations about working with the Linken party, which ruled Thuringia for many years and was soundly defeated in the election. The CDU will need to carefully consider the potential for cooperation with the available parties and find a solution that works for the region.

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