2024-09-05 23:55:08

Citizens Call for Change in Asylum and Refugee Policy

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A recent survey shows that 77% of Germans want a fundamentally different asylum and refugee policy to reduce immigration. This sentiment is particularly strong among supporters of the AfD, BSW, and CDU/CSU, while SPD supporters are divided and Green supporters have mixed views.

In addition to migration and flight, other important issues for citizens include the economy, social injustice, environmental and climate protection, education, and internal security. When it comes to combating crime and asylum and refugee policy, citizens see the most competence in the Union.

The study also reveals that a majority of Germans still feel safe in public spaces after the Solingen attack, but the number of people feeling unsafe has increased. The rise of the AfD has led many people, particularly those with a migration background, to consider leaving their state or even emigrating.

The DIW president warns of the economic consequences for East Germany and calls for investments in education and infrastructure. FDP leader Lindner expresses openness to border rejections, criticizes the Greens, and warns that all parties could lose if they fail to offer a solution to migration.

The FDP also calls for more return and expulsion of refugees, while the CDU/CSU wants permanent border controls.

5. September 2024 um 12:41

"Syria is not safe": Refugees on the migration debate

"Syria is not safe": Refugees on the migration debate
The city of Solingen and the electoral successes of the AfD also concern refugees in Berlin. They warn that terrorists could achieve their goal.
5. September 2024 um 15:32

Permanent controls at German borders?

CSU politician Wittmann is calling for permanent border controls until the EU's external borders are protected. Green politician Mihalic considers this unrealistic, as it would require too much personnel.
5. September 2024 um 16:53

The Greens must 'show their true colors': FDP calls for rejections at borders and asylum procedures in third countries

The Greens must 'show their true colors': FDP calls for rejections at borders and asylum procedures in third countries
The FDP is calling for rejections at the German borders, pilot projects for asylum procedures in third countries, and the reduction of social incentives for fleeing to Germany. In addition, deportations to third countries other than the country of origin should be made possible, and joint departure centers should be set up at major airports.
5. September 2024 um 16:11

ARD-Deutschlandtrend - Majority of Germans want a fundamentally different asylum and refugee policy

ARD-Deutschlandtrend - Majority of Germans want a fundamentally different asylum and refugee policy
According to the survey, 77% of Germans want a fundamentally different asylum and refugee policy in order to have less immigration. This is particularly supported by AfD, BSW and CDU/CSU supporters, while SPD supporters are divided and Green supporters have mixed opinions. In addition to immigration and flight, the economy, social injustice, environmental and climate protection, education and internal security are also important issues. The citizens see the competence in the fight against crime..


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