2024-09-05 13:29:08

Putin Ready for Negotiations Amid Ukraine Crisis

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Russia announces declining gas export revenues as Ukraine reports shooting down Russian drones and using Iskander-M missile. Putin expresses readiness for negotiations, while Selenskyj visits Ramstein to request more weapons.

IAEA Chief Grossi reports severe damage to occupied nuclear power plant. Non-NATO countries invited to contact group meeting.

Meanwhile, Zelenskyy seeks US approval for strikes in Russia, but is denied. Putin also discusses gas supply contract with Serbian deputy PM.

Russia's main goal remains capturing Donbas, while Belarus shoots down Russian drones. The situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant remains fragile, and dozens of Russian drones continue to attack Ukraine.

Russia warns the US about supplying missiles to Ukraine. Foreign Minister Lawrow criticizes the power struggle in the US and warns of catastrophic consequences for Europe.

The ongoing crisis is intensifying, with both sides seeking support and making strategic moves.

5. September 2024 um 04:54

Putin to discuss gas supply contract with Serbian deputy PM

Putin to discuss expiring gas supply contract with Serbian deputy PM; Serbia maintains Russia ties, refuses EU sanctions; Serbia shifts away from Russia with Rafale jet purchase; Vulin sanctioned by US for Kremlin links; Vulin accused of helping Kremlin by delivering wiretapped Russian opposition conversations; Russian gas transits to Serbia, Hungary, Austria via TurkStream pipeline.
5. September 2024 um 06:53

Sergei Lavrov: "Catastrophic consequences" for Europe - Putin's Minister warns USA against "jokes"

Sergei Lavrov: "Catastrophic consequences" for Europe - Putin's Minister warns USA against "jokes"
Russia warns the USA against the delivery of JASSM missiles to Ukraine, which have a range of up to 800 km and could be used for attacks on Russian territory. Foreign Minister Lavrov criticizes the jokes made by the USA about Russia's "red lines" and urges not to cross them.
Deutsche Welle
5. September 2024 um 09:25

Ukraine updates: Putin says Russia ready for talks with Kyiv

Ukraine updates: Putin says Russia ready for talks with Kyiv
Putin backtracks on Kursk incursion comments, willing to negotiate with Kyiv. IAEA chief mentions need for Zaporizhzhia plant tower demolition. Zelenskyy to meet allies in Germany. Death toll in Poltava attack rises to 54. Putin suggests BRICS mediation.
5. September 2024 um 09:13

Vladivostok: Russia is willing to negotiate with Ukraine, according to Putin

Vladivostok: Russia is willing to negotiate with Ukraine, according to Putin
According to Putin, Russia is willing to negotiate with Ukraine. Moscow had rejected negotiations due to the invasion in Kursk, but Putin stated that Russia had stabilized the situation there. The Kremlin chief referred to the 'liberation' of Donbass as 'our main goal' and said that the Ukrainian advance in Kursk had 'concerned' Moscow and aimed to stop its offensive in key regions. Putin made these statements at an economic forum in Vladivostok.
5. September 2024 um 09:06

Ukraine-News: Putin zu Verhandlungen bereit

Ukraine-News: Putin zu Verhandlungen bereit
Russland kündigt sinkende Gasexporteinnahmen an, da Transitverträge mit der Ukraine auslaufen. Als Ersatz plant Russland, Gasexporte in die Türkei und den Iran auszuweiten. Die ukrainische Luftwaffe schoss 60 von 78 russischen Drohnen ab und meldete auch den Einsatz einer Iskander-M-Rakete. Putin erklärt sich zu Verhandlungen mit der Ukraine bereit, nachdem Moskau zuvor Verhandlungen wegen des ukrainischen Vorstoßes in Kursk ausgeschlossen hatte.


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