2024-09-06 17:55:08

AfD leads SPD in Brandenburg state election

Image courtesy of : AFP (JENS SCHLUETER)

According to a recent survey, the far-right AfD party is ahead of the ruling SPD in the upcoming state election in Brandenburg. The survey shows the AfD at 27%, while the SPD is at 23%.

The CDU is in third place with a slight decrease in support. The BSW and the Greens have also experienced a slight decrease in support.

The survey indicates that the migration issue is the most important political topic for voters in Brandenburg. The AfD's success in Thuringia has influenced their strategy for the upcoming election.

The BSW, which has been in talks with CDU-led governments, could also potentially play a role in the government if the other parties refuse to work with the AfD. The SPD is considering the possibility of being the opposition party if they do not come in first place.

The potential for a BSW government participation is split among voters. The survey also highlights the importance of the Grundmandatsklausel, which allows parties to enter the state parliament based on the percentage of direct mandates won.

Overall, the election outcome remains uncertain.

Frankfurter Rundschau
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