2024-09-08 23:55:08

Söder and Lindner call for drastic reduction of asylum applications

CSU leader Söder and FDP leader Lindner are demanding a significant reduction in asylum applications in Germany to below 100,000 per year. Söder argues that Germany is overwhelmed not only in terms of childcare, schools, and housing, but also culturally, with many German residents no longer feeling at home.

The federal government plans to hold new discussions with the Union and the states on asylum policy. As immigration remains a controversial topic, Lindner suggests that the CDU may not benefit politically in this area, but rather strengthen the AfD and Sahra Wagenknecht's alliance.

Söder believes that Austria and other countries would also be glad if Germany reduced the number of asylum applications.

8. September 2024 um 17:50

Söder and Lindner call for a drastic reduction in asylum applications

Söder and Lindner call for a drastic reduction in asylum applications
CSU leader Söder and FDP leader Lindner are calling for a drastic reduction in asylum applications in Germany to less than 100,000. Söder proposes rejecting people at the border and changing asylum law. Lindner agrees, but criticizes the CDU for seeking partisan political gain on the issue of immigration. Lindner rejects "Basta" arguments in coalition governments and appeals to the democratically responsible parties to find a consensus.
8. September 2024 um 16:33

Restrictions for Refugees: Pro Asyl criticizes benefit cuts

Restrictions for Refugees: Pro Asyl criticizes benefit cuts
The traffic light coalition plans to reduce benefits for Dublin refugees; facilitated deportations of refugees who have committed crimes; as well as restrictions on carrying knives in public spaces. Pro Asyl criticizes this "perfidious deterrence policy" as unconstitutional.
Tagesschau - Innenpolitik - aktuelle Nachrichten
8. September 2024 um 18:31

AfD Position Paper - Only "Bread, Bed and Soap" for Asylum Seekers

The AfD wants to significantly reduce benefits for asylum seekers and demands "bread, bed and soap" for them. It also aims for an "asylum turnaround" and wants to achieve an absolute majority in elections.
8. September 2024 um 19:45

Cap of 100,000 per year: Söder and Lindner demand drastic reduction of asylum applications

Cap of 100,000 per year: Söder and Lindner demand drastic reduction of asylum applications
Söder and Lindner demand a reduction of asylum applications to below 100,000 per year, as Germany is overwhelmed - not only in terms of daycare centers, schools, and housing, but also culturally, leading many German residents in several cities to no longer feel at home. The federal government is planning new discussions with the Union and states on asylum policy. Immigration is a controversial issue, where according to Lindner, the CDU can gain nothing, but can strengthen the AfD and Sahra Wag..


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