2024-09-08 05:50:09

Thousands in Israel demonstrate again for agreement to release hostages

Image courtesy of : AFP (JACK GUEZ)

Thousands in Israel once again took to the streets to demand an agreement for the release of the hostages held since the Hamas attack on October 7, 2022. The attack resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people and the abduction of 251 hostages, with 97 still in the hands of Hamas and other groups, 33 of whom are presumed dead according to Israel.

In response, Israel has been conducting extensive military operations in the Gaza Strip, reportedly resulting in the deaths of over 40,930 people, as claimed by Hamas. The demonstrators chanted government-critical slogans such as 'Blood is on your hands' and 'Who's next?

'. The Israeli government refuses to give up control of the Philadelphi Corridor, a 14-kilometer border strip between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, complicating the prospects for a ceasefire and the release of the hostages.

7. September 2024 um 22:23

Thousands in Israel demonstrate again for an agreement to release the hostages

Thousands in Israel demonstrate again for an agreement to release the hostages
Thousands in Israel are demonstrating again for an agreement to release the hostages who have been held captive since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. The Israeli government does not want to give up the Philadelphi Corridor on the border with Egypt, which makes the prospects for a ceasefire and the release of the hostages more difficult.
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