2024-09-09 17:55:08

Debate on Migration: Interior Minister Faeser Orders More Border Controls

Germany's Federal Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser, has announced temporary border controls in an effort to combat irregular migration and security threats. The government is also developing a model for EU-compliant pushbacks at German borders.

The push for increased pushbacks has gained support from SPD parliamentary vice-president Wiese and Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder, who calls for a significant reduction in immigration. In response to the recent attack in Solingen, the federal government has presented a security package, although Söder criticizes the proposed hospital reform.

The temporary border controls will be in effect for six months, and since October, over 30,000 people have already been turned away at the borders. This move follows the far-right gains in state elections in Thuringia and Saxony, with an upcoming vote in Brandenburg where the Social Democrats govern.

However, Austria has declared that it will not accept any refugees or immigrants turned away by Germany at the border. As discussions on migration continue, the Bundespolizei supports stricter measures, including pushbacks, while criticizing the government's past failures and calling for increased investment in personnel and technology.

Meanwhile, protests against the construction of fences at Görlitzer Park have been condemned by Berlin's Innensenatorin and Polizeipräsidentin, with the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg taking legal action against the Senate's plans to close the park at night to combat drug-related crime and conflicts.

Frankfurter Rundschau
9. September 2024 um 13:54

Faeser orders massive border controls at all external borders

Faeser orders massive border controls at all external borders
Faeser orders massive border controls at all external borders; Measure lasts six months; Protection against Islamist terrorism, crime, irregular migration; Reaction to migration meeting; Develops model for rejections; Confidential discussion with the Union parties.
9. September 2024 um 13:25

"This cannot go on" - Police want a tougher course at the border and make accusations against green blockers

"This cannot go on" - Police want a tougher course at the border and make accusations against green blockers
The Federal Police advocate a tougher course in the fight against illegal migration, including rejections at the borders. However, they make demands and criticize the policy sharply for years of neglect in border controls and equipment. The police are working at the limit and complain about increasing violent crime, especially at train stations.
9. September 2024 um 13:15

Debate on Migration: Interior Minister Faeser Orders More Border Controls

Debate on Migration: Interior Minister Faeser Orders More Border Controls
Federal Interior Minister Faeser orders temporary border controls to combat irregular migration and security threats. The government is developing a model for EU-compliant pushbacks at German borders that goes beyond current practice. SPD parliamentary vice-president Wiese is open to expanding pushbacks, Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder calls for a massive reduction in immigration and pushbacks at borders. The federal government presents a security package after the attack in Solingen, Söder cri..
9. September 2024 um 12:43

Protest action against fence construction at Görlitzer Park: Berlin's Senator of the Interior condemns call for criminal offenses

Protest action against fence construction at Görlitzer Park: Berlin's Senator of the Interior condemns call for criminal offenses
Berlin's Senator of the Interior and Police President criticize protest preparations against the construction of a fence at Görlitzer Park. The district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is taking legal action against the Senate's plans to isolate the park from drug-related crime and conflicts through entrance gates and nightly closures.


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