2024-09-10 13:29:08

The Union wants to talk to the government about migration: 'We see an opportunity'

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The Union has agreed to participate in a discussion with the government on migration policies, particularly on the issue of rejecting refugees at the borders. The Union is demanding a comprehensive solution with a disruptive impact.

The government has ordered temporary border controls and developed a model for refugee rejections at the borders. However, the legal situation regarding rejections is unclear, and there are disagreements within the coalition.

The Union is skeptical about the prospect of a migration compromise with the government. The Union is calling for a 'big breakthrough' that brings about significant change.

The Union's parliamentary manager, Thorsten Frei, has had discussions with the Minister of the Interior about joint action to limit irregular migration. The key question is whether there will be agreement on rejections at the borders.

If not, the format of the discussions would no longer make sense.

New York Times - World
10. September 2024 um 05:59

Germany to Tighten Border Controls as Anti-Immigrant Parties Gain Votes

Germany to tighten border controls in Schengen area, including selective traffic stops and passport checks on cross-border trains, after anti-immigrant parties gain votes and attacks by rejected asylum seekers; 30,000 people turned away at southern and eastern borders since patrols instituted; move by interior minister Nancy Faeser marks shift from Merkel's open-door policy and Scholz's welcoming of Ukrainian refugees.
10. September 2024 um 05:14

Germany extends border controls on all land borders

Germany extends border controls on all land borders
Germany is extending border controls on all land borders of over 3,700 kilometers with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark for 6 months to reduce illegal immigration and protect citizens from Islamist extremism. Border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland have led to the return of 30,000 migrants since October 2023. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced the measure, while Austrian Interior Mi..
The Guardian
10. September 2024 um 15:02

Germany to extend temporary controls to all land borders in response to ‘irregular migration’ – Europe live

Germany extending temporary border controls to all land borders; response to irregular migration, extremist threats; controls start 16 September; cover borders with France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark; add to existing controls on Poland, Czech, Austria, Switzerland borders; follows Soligen attack, Munich gunman, far-right Thuringia win; until EU achieves strong external border protection under new Common European Asylum System, Germany must increase national border controls; Dutch..
10. September 2024 um 07:28

Migration: Union agrees to participate in talks with government - DER SPIEGEL

Migration: Union agrees to participate in talks with government - DER SPIEGEL
CDU politician Thorsten Frei announced the Union's participation in the migration summit. Union faction leader Friedrich Merz had demanded stricter measures. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser had announced border controls. Green politician Irene Mihalic criticizes Merz's demands as 'blackmail attempts.' Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is advocating for a joint solution with the opposition. The business community looks skeptically at the intensified border controls.
10. September 2024 um 08:04

Teilnahme bis zuletzt offen: Unionspolitiker nehmen an Migrationsgipfel teil - n-tv.de

Teilnahme bis zuletzt offen: Unionspolitiker nehmen an Migrationsgipfel teil - n-tv.de
Unionspolitiker nehmen am Migrationsgipfel mit Koalition und Bundesländern teil; Innenministerin Faeser hat der Union mündlich eine Sichtweise zu Zurückweisungen an den Grenzen mitgeteilt; Bundesregierung hat Sicherheitspaket mit Maßnahmen zur Rückführung abgelehnter Asylbewerber und Bekämpfung des islamistischen Terrors vorgelegt; Grünen-Chef Nouripour begrüßt, dass die CDU ihr Ultimatum zurückgenommen hat; Kanzler Scholz betont Bereitschaft zu gemeinsamen Lösungen beim Sommerfest der Parteiz..


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