2024-09-11 17:55:09

Left-wing SPD members criticize the federal government's course in migration policy

Left-wing members of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Germany have voiced their criticism of the government's tougher stance on migration policy. They argue that border controls, deportations, and debates on migration cannot guarantee security against attacks and that such measures are exploited by right-wing extremists to shift the public debate further to the right.

The SPD members also highlight the negative impact of this shift on the democratic forces and the rise of right-wing extremists. The debate on migration policy intensified following a suspected Islamist terrorist attack in Solingen, where the perpetrator was a Syrian who was supposed to have left Germany.

In response to the attack, the German Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, ordered controls at all German borders to prevent irregular migration and plans to directly return more migrants without the right to stay at the borders.

The SPD members' criticism reflects the broader divisions within the party and the ongoing debate on migration policy in Germany.

11. September 2024 um 11:16

Social Democrats warn of right-wing influence in von der Leyen's new Commission

Social Democrats warn of right-wing influence in von der Leyen's new Commission
Leaked documents show that the EPP could dominate influential portfolios such as employment, social affairs and housing. This worries the Social Democrats, who fear they will not be heard in the new mandate. EPP members Magnus Brunner and Dubravka Šuica are said to take over these key areas.
11. September 2024 um 08:45

Heino praises Donald Trump and calls for deportations in Germany

Heino praises Donald Trump and calls for deportations in Germany
Heino, 85, supports Trump's migration policy and calls for deportations "on a large scale" in Germany. He sees Trump's approach against "criminal migrants" as the right way and wishes for similarly consistent politicians like Merz and Söder in Germany.
Tagesschau - Innenpolitik - aktuelle Nachrichten
11. September 2024 um 13:48

First Dobrindt, then Merz Intense Debate, Unusual Tactic

In the general debate on the budget week in the Bundestag, the government and the opposition attacked each other fiercely, especially on the topic of asylum and migration. The Union surprised with the order of its speakers, with Dobrindt (CSU) opening the frontal attack on the traffic light coalition and Merz initially wanting to wait for Scholz's speech. Scholz accused Merz of not taking the offer of dialogue seriously and deliberately sabotaging the dialogue. Merz stuck to his demand to turn..
Deutsche Welle
11. September 2024 um 12:41

Olaf Scholz stresses Germany's need for immigrants

Olaf Scholz stresses Germany's need for immigrants
Germany increasing border controls; Scholz advocates immigration; far-right successes; elections; Merz rejects talks; over 30,000 turned away.
11. September 2024 um 14:01

Nach der Landtagswahl in Thüringen: Zumindest die Sitzordnung ist klar in Erfurt

Nach der Landtagswahl in Thüringen: Zumindest die Sitzordnung ist klar in Erfurt
Nach der Landtagswahl in Thüringen ist die Sitzordnung im Landtag geklärt: Die Partei von Sahra Wagenknecht, das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), wird in der Mitte sitzen. Das amtliche Wahlergebnis soll am Donnerstag festgestellt werden. Die Wahl hat zu einer komplexen Situation geführt, da die rechtsextreme AfD stärkste Partei wurde und das BSW überraschend gut abschnitt. Die CDU gilt als nächster Ministerpräsident, will aber weder mit der AfD noch der Linken unter Bodo Ramelow zusammenarbeit..


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