2024-09-11 13:29:09

Scholz and Merz clash in Bundestag over asylum policy

Image courtesy of : AFP (JOHN MACDOUGALL)

In the Bundestag, Olaf Scholz and Friedrich Merz engaged in a heated debate over asylum policy. Merz criticized the government's plans as insufficient, while Scholz accused him of theatrics.

Other parties also expressed criticism. Scholz announced government proposals to limit migration without the Union's support, including fast-track asylum procedures and the detention of refugees near the border.

The implementation of these proposals will require the consent of Union-led states. AfD leader Alice Weidel accused the traffic light coalition and the previous government of dividing society.

The Left Group criticized the decline of the welfare state and public infrastructure. CSU parliamentary group leader Alexander Dobrindt said that no one wants a continuation of the traffic light coalition.

Sahra Wagenknecht accused the coalition of strengthening the right-wing fringe. The debate in the Bundestag was officially about the budget of the Chancellor's Office but turned into a general exchange about the government's performance.

Despite being the budget week, the focus of the debate was on migration. The change in the order of speakers allowed Merz to respond to Scholz, but by then, the attention had already waned.

11. September 2024 um 02:02

The Bundestag continues budget consultations with a general debate

The Bundestag continues budget consultations with a general debate
In the budget week in the Bundestag, the highlight is on Wednesday (09:00 hours): In the general debate on the occasion of the debate on the budget of the Chancellor's Office, the government and the opposition traditionally engage in a fierce exchange of blows on many different policy areas. First, the leader of the opposition, Union faction leader Friedrich Merz (CDU), speaks, then Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) responds. The chairpersons of the other factions and groups also have their say.
11. September 2024 um 04:33

Will Harburg get a red-red-green coalition?

Will Harburg get a red-red-green coalition?
Harburg is experiencing turbulent political times: The SPD is arguing over possible coalition partners, including the Greens and the Left. District office director Fredenhagen (SPD) is facing retirement. The CDU candidate Thorwarth caused a stir with confidential statements. The future of the Harburg district leadership is uncertain.
11. September 2024 um 05:56

Germany's political uncertainty diminishes investor confidence

Germany's political uncertainty diminishes investor confidence
Germany faces de-industrialization and capital outflows, as foreign direct investment falls to decade-low levels and companies relocate operations abroad.
11. September 2024 um 07:53

General Debate in the Bundestag

General Debate in the Bundestag
At the general debate in the Bundestag, CDU leader Friedrich Merz and Chancellor Olaf Scholz will speak.
11. September 2024 um 06:53

Höhepunkt der Haushaltswoche: Merz und Scholz treffen in Generaldebatte aufeinander

Höhepunkt der Haushaltswoche: Merz und Scholz treffen in Generaldebatte aufeinander
Generaldebatte zum Bundeshaushalt; Regierungsarbeit auf Politikfeldern; Migrations- und Asylpolitik im Fokus; Oppositionsführer Friedrich Merz; Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz; Auswärtiges Amt; Verteidigungsetat von Boris Pistorius; Verkehrs- und Digitalminister Volker Wissing; Haushaltsberatungen bis Freitag; Elefantenrunde; vierstündige Generaldebatte.


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