2024-09-12 23:55:08

Russia's Counter-Offensive in Kursk: A New Phase in the Ukraine Conflict

Image courtesy of : AFP (GENYA SAVILOV)

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has entered a new phase with Russia launching a counter-offensive in the Kursk region. Russian forces have reported significant gains, reclaiming ten villages along the western edge of the Kursk oblast. This move comes in response to Ukraine's earlier military advances, where they took control of nearly 100 Russian villages and a substantial area of land. The Russian military's swift action has led to the recapture of settlements such as Snagost, Apanasovka, and Byakhovo.

The escalation has drawn international attention, with the United States and the United Kingdom considering allowing Ukraine to use long-range weapons against targets within Russia. This potential policy shift has sparked warnings from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has stated that such actions would be seen as NATO countries directly participating in the conflict.

Amidst the military maneuvers, diplomatic efforts continue. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy visited Kyiv to discuss the situation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky has been vocal about the need for Western allies to lift restrictions on long-range weapon use against Russian targets.

The conflict has also seen significant collateral damage. Ukrainian forces have shot down numerous Russian drones, but the attacks have resulted in casualties and damage to infrastructure. The humanitarian impact is severe, with disruptions to essential services like water and electricity in contested areas.

Furthermore, the geopolitical ramifications are expanding. Iran's involvement, through alleged missile shipments to Russia, has added another layer of complexity to the conflict, raising concerns about a broader regional escalation.

As the fighting intensifies, the international community remains watchful, with ongoing debates about the appropriate level of military and economic support for Ukraine. The situation in Kursk is a stark reminder of the conflict's evolving nature and the urgent need for a resolution.

11. September 2024 um 12:31

Ukraine News: Russia Reports Successes in Counter-Offensive in Kursk Region

Ukraine News: Russia Reports Successes in Counter-Offensive in Kursk Region
Russia reports successes in counter-offensive in Kursk region; Russia threatens to use stronger weapons if Ukraine allows attacks on Russian territory; Iran threatens 'measures' after new sanctions by the West; Ukrainian air defense shoots down 20 of 25 Russian attack drones; Ukrainian Prime Minister warns of an especially harsh winter; Blinken and Lammy in Kyiv; Discussion about the use of Western weapons against targets in Russia; IMF and Ukraine agree on the release of $1.1 billion in finan..
The Guardian
12. September 2024 um 15:09

Russia-Ukraine war live: Russian counter-offensive reported in Kursk

Russia launched counterattacks along the western edge of the Ukrainian salient in Kursk oblast, capturing several settlements; UK PM Starmer to meet US President Biden to discuss Ukraine war; Iran's missile dispatch to Russia seen as dangerous escalation; US and UK may allow Ukraine long-range weapons use on Russian targets; Ukraine shot down 44 of 64 Russian drones.
Tagesschau - Internationale Nachrichten aus aller Welt
12. September 2024 um 21:23

Ukraine Live Blog: ++ Ukraine reports more than 60 drone attacks ++

Russia fired more than 60 drones at Ukrainian territories overnight. In Konotop, at least 13 people were injured. The Ukrainian Air Force was able to fend off 44 of the 64 drones.
Thế giới - VnExpress
12. September 2024 um 14:12

Nga tuyên bố tái kiểm soát 10 làng ở Kursk trong hai ngày

Nga tuyên bố tái kiểm soát 10 làng ở Kursk trong hai ngày
Russia's forces regained control of 10 villages in Kursk province from Ukraine over two days, including Apanasovka, Byakhovo, Vishnevka, Viktorovka, Vnezapnoye, Gordeyevka, Krasnooktyabrskoye, Obukhovka, Snagost, and Desyaty Oktyabr. They repelled Ukrainian counterattacks and blocked an assault, while conducting reconnaissance. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged Russia's counteroffensive in Kursk.
12. September 2024 um 13:29

Selenskyj wirft Russland Angriff auf Rotes Kreuz vor

Selenskyj wirft Russland Angriff auf Rotes Kreuz vor
Selenskyj beschuldigt Russland, ein Rotes-Kreuz-Fahrzeug in Donezk angegriffen und ein Getreideschiff für Ägypten im Schwarzen Meer getroffen zu haben. Er empfing den estnischen Präsidenten, der 0,25% des BIP für Verteidigungserfordernisse zusagte, sowie die lettische Regierungschefin, um weitere Hilfe und den EU-Kurs der Ukraine zu besprechen. Die Ukraine verteidigt sich seit über zweieinhalb Jahren mit westlicher Hilfe von Dutzenden Staaten gegen den russischen Angriffskrieg.


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