2024-09-13 09:00:10

AfD Narrowly Leads Over SPD in Brandenburg Polls

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As the state election in Brandenburg approaches, recent polls indicate a tight race between the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD). The AfD holds a slight lead with 29% compared to the SPD's 26%, according to surveys conducted by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen for ZDF and Infratest dimap for ARD.

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) trails behind with around 15-16%, followed by the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) at 13-14%. Smaller parties like the Greens, the Left, and the Free Voters are hovering around the critical 5% threshold needed to enter the state parliament.

However, they could still gain representation through the so-called basic mandate clause if they win at least one direct seat. The SPD, led by Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke, has governed Brandenburg since 1990, currently in coalition with the CDU and the Greens.

Woidke has announced his intention to step down if the SPD fails to secure the top position. In a direct vote for Prime Minister, Woidke remains the preferred candidate, with 50-55% support among respondents.

Despite the AfD’s lead, many voters still favor the SPD to lead the next government. This election is crucial for the SPD's future in Brandenburg, as well as for the broader political landscape in Germany, with the AfD's rise being closely monitored.

13. September 2024 um 05:07

Even Most SPD Voters - Two Out of Three Germans Reject Scholz's Renewed Chancellorship Candidacy

Even Most SPD Voters - Two Out of Three Germans Reject Scholz's Renewed Chancellorship Candidacy
Two out of three Germans reject a renewed chancellorship candidacy of Olaf Scholz; even the majority of SPD voters are against it; despite weak poll numbers, Scholz wants to run again in 2025, expecting a strong mandate for the SPD; Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is being considered as a possible chancellor candidate.
13. September 2024 um 04:57

Where the SPD can still win

The Brandenburg SPD is leading in education, social affairs and the economy. Woidke is popular, but the AfD is in the lead. State issues are more important than asylum/migration. The SPD leadership must interpret the election victory as confirmation for the Berlin traffic light coalition, although the Woidke coalition would only have a slim majority.
13. September 2024 um 08:00

In Brandenburg, it's all about Dietmar Woidke and the SPD

In Brandenburg, it's all about Dietmar Woidke and the SPD
Minister-President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) is fighting against the AfD for his re-election in Brandenburg. The CDU in Brandenburg is pale and plays hardly any role, so Woidke is hyping up the Woidke vs. AfD duel to distract from the Christian Democrats.
13. September 2024 um 07:58

Brandenburg Before the Election: Survey: Clear Majority Wants Woidke, AfD Still Ahead

Brandenburg Before the Election: Survey: Clear Majority Wants Woidke, AfD Still Ahead
Survey: AfD leads with 29%, SPD at 26%, CDU 15%; Greens struggle to enter; Majority wants Woidke as Prime Minister; According to 48%, the SPD should lead the next state government; Coalition partners SPD and Greens; 73% of respondents have already made their voting decision; Woidke wants to withdraw from state politics if the SPD is not in the lead.


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