2024-09-14 09:00:09

Denmark's Border Control Measures and Migration Challenges

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Border controls between Germany and Denmark have shifted toward a system of random checks rather than permanent surveillance. The Federal Police are conducting these checks amidst concerns over irregular migration, particularly in key transit routes. Interior Minister Sütterlin-Waack emphasizes the need for timely reforms in immigration policies to fortify internal security. Critics, including Donald Tusk, voice opposition to the increasing controls at Europe’s internal borders, warning of a potential domino effect that could push asylum seekers toward external EU boundaries.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, border checks are set to commence, aimed at curbing hooliganism but raising concerns over the impact on citizens and the economy within the Schengen Area. The police union has expressed doubts about the practicality of these measures, highlighting that national actions like border controls may be necessary until a comprehensive EU asylum reform is established by May 2026.

Migration expert Gerald Knaus warns against placing excessive expectations on border controls, arguing that such measures may not effectively prevent terrorism, as many perpetrators radicalize after arriving in Germany. He advocates for cooperation with migrant communities to gather actionable intelligence. Overall, the ongoing discussions reflect a complex interplay between migration management, national security, and the need for collaborative solutions.

13. September 2024 um 12:47

Migration: Border controls to Denmark only random

Migration: Border controls to Denmark only random
Border controls between Germany and Denmark; Federal Police conducts random checks, no permanent controls like during the European Championship; controls also in the North and Baltic Sea; Interior Minister Sütterlin-Waack supports measures to curb irregular migration, considers key routes important; calls for a timely review and effective changes in the area of immigration to limit irregular influx in the long term and strengthen internal security.
14. September 2024 um 07:02

Police Union Doubts Feasibility of Border Controls

Police Union Doubts Feasibility of Border Controls
Federal Interior Minister Faeser: National measures such as border controls are necessary until the EU asylum reform with external border protection and solidarity mechanism is implemented. Member states have until May 2026 to do so.
14. September 2024 um 06:38

Border controls in NRW from Monday: Shopping in the Netherlands - that could become more difficult

Border controls in NRW from Monday: Shopping in the Netherlands - that could become more difficult
Border controls at German land borders from Monday; Concern about burden for citizens and economy; Commuters and travel traffic could be affected; Waiting times and traffic jams are expected.
14. September 2024 um 04:50

Border controls - Migration researcher warns "against too high expectations"

Border controls - Migration researcher warns "against too high expectations"
Migration researcher Gerald Knaus, co-founder of the European Stability Initiative, warns on Deutschlandfunk that border controls will hardly prevent terrorism, as perpetrators often only radicalize in Germany. Instead, cooperation with migrant communities, from which tips about crimes could come, is important. He expressed this advice to journalist Bettina Klein.


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