2024-09-14 13:29:08

Political Turbulence Ahead of Brandenburg State Election

Image courtesy of : AFP (LISI NIESNER)

As Brandenburg gears up for its state election, political dynamics are shifting significantly. Saxony's Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), has thrown support behind SPD’s Dietmar Woidke, though this gesture is not seen as an endorsement for an SPD victory.

Polls indicate a tight race with the far-right AfD leading slightly ahead of the SPD and the CDU trailing at around 15-16%. The new Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) is also making a notable entry with 13-14%, while the Greens face the risk of failing to re-enter the parliament.

Woidke's sharp critique of Germany's asylum policies has resonated with many, pushing for stricter border controls and refugee rejections. Meanwhile, CDU and CSU are at odds over the timing of their Kanzlerkandidat decision, adding another layer of complexity to the political landscape.

Amidst these developments, the need for skilled workers remains a pressing issue, with Germany seeking labor agreements with countries like Kenya and India. The election outcome in Brandenburg is poised to reshape local and national politics, reflecting broader trends and sentiments across Germany.

13. September 2024 um 13:32

State Election: CDU Prime Minister Kretschmer Supports SPD Man Woidke

State Election: CDU Prime Minister Kretschmer Supports SPD Man Woidke
Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) supports SPD Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke in Brandenburg; Brandenburg's CDU state and parliamentary leader Jan Redmann does not see this as an endorsement for an SPD electoral victory. According to polls, the AfD is slightly ahead of the SPD, the CDU achieves 15-16 percent, the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) 13-14 percent, and the Greens are at risk of not re-entering. Former Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth has also pledged her support to W..
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Midyatli hopes for Schularick on debt brake

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14. September 2024 um 10:03

"Madness that no citizen understands anymore": Woidke calls for the rejection of refugees at the border

"Madness that no citizen understands anymore": Woidke calls for the rejection of refugees at the border
Brandenburg's Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) is calling for the rejection of refugees from safe third countries. He expects rapid decisions from the federal government and is willing to take legal risks. Woidke justifies this with Article 16a of the Basic Law and the upcoming state election.
14. September 2024 um 09:55

CDU Contradicts CSU: When Will the Union Decide the Chancellor Question?

CDU Contradicts CSU: When Will the Union Decide the Chancellor Question?
The CDU and CSU are arguing over the timing of the decision on the chancellor candidacy. The CDU wants to decide immediately after the Brandenburg election, while the CSU sees September and October as the decision-making period. Merz and Söder will involve the leadership bodies to clarify the issue.


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