2024-09-14 05:50:08

Western Allies Hold Back Long-Range Weapons for Ukraine

Image courtesy of : AFP (SAUL LOEB)

Despite escalating tensions and threats from Russia, the US and its allies remain cautious about supplying Ukraine with long-range weapons for strikes deep into Russian territory. President Biden and UK Prime Minister Starmer are in discussions but have made no commitments.

The US views Putin's aggressive rhetoric as dangerous but not unprecedented. Meanwhile, Ukraine faces intense fighting with better-equipped Russian forces, especially in the south.

Western nations have limited Ukraine's use of advanced weaponry to avoid further escalation. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy continues to appeal for more flexibility in using these weapons.

New York Times - World
14. September 2024 um 01:11

Vance Describes Plan to End Ukraine War That Sounds a Lot Like Putin’s

In an interview on "The Shawn Ryan Show", JD Vance, Republican vice-presidential nominee, outlined a peace plan similar to Vladimir Putin's: Russia retains seized land, Ukraine remains an independent sovereign state but with a "guarantee of neutrality", no NATO membership. Critics call it a Russian victory, supporters say it's realistic. Former President Donald J. Trump would mediate talks to establish a demilitarized zone along the current battle lines, with Ukraine heavily fortified to prevent..
Thế giới - VnExpress
13. September 2024 um 23:40

Mỹ tuyên bố chưa gỡ rào vũ khí cho Ukraine

Mỹ tuyên bố chưa gỡ rào vũ khí cho Ukraine
Washington khẳng định chưa thay đổi quan điểm cấm Kiev dùng vũ khí tầm xa của Mỹ để tấn công mục tiêu nằm sâu trong lãnh thổ Nga. "Chưa có thay đổi nào trong quan điểm của chúng tôi về cung cấp năng lực tấn công tầm xa để Ukraine sử dụng trong lãnh thổ Nga. Đừng kỳ vọng có thông báo quan trọng nào về vấn đề này", người phát ngôn Hội đồng An ninh Quốc gia Nhà Trắng John Kirby thông báo hôm 13/9. Tuyên bố được đưa ra trước khi Tổng thống Mỹ Joe Biden và Thủ tướng Anh Keir Starmer gặp nhau tại Wa..
14. September 2024 um 03:00

USA reject Putin's threats - No announcement on weapons

Despite threats from Putin and the Russian UN ambassador's reference to nuclear weapons, the release of Western weapons for Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory remains uncertain. Biden and Starmer are consulting on this without making any concrete commitments. Zelenskyy continues to demand permission. The US government describes Putin's rhetoric as "incredibly dangerous" but not unusual. The US makes serious allegations against the Russian broadcaster RT, which is said to be supporting the..


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