2024-09-16 13:29:08

French EU Commissioner Resigns Amid Clash with von der Leyen

Thierry Breton, the French EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, has announced his resignation following a protracted dispute with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Breton revealed his decision in an online post, citing von der Leyen's request for France to propose a different candidate for the new Commission. His successor is set to be Stéphane Séjourné, the current French Foreign Minister.

Breton, who was responsible for EU industry and digital policy, accused von der Leyen of offering France a more influential portfolio in exchange for his replacement. The tension between Breton and von der Leyen has been ongoing, exacerbated by Breton's public criticism of her leadership style earlier this year. His resignation letter denounced von der Leyen’s unilateral decision-making, particularly regarding the appointment of the SME Envoy, and described her management as questionable.

French President Emmanuel Macron had re-nominated Breton for a second term, but von der Leyen’s intervention led to his abrupt departure. The Élysée Palace announced that Séjourné would now focus on European industrial sovereignty and competitiveness. Séjourné, formerly the leader of the liberal Renew Europe group in the European Parliament, has been the French Foreign Minister since January.

The resignation has stirred reactions within EU circles, highlighting the underlying tensions in the Commission’s leadership. While von der Leyen acknowledged Breton's contributions, she did not address his allegations. The new Commission, including Séjourné’s role, will be presented in Strasbourg, where nominees will undergo parliamentary hearings.

Breton’s exit underscores the challenges within the EU’s executive body and raises questions about future leadership dynamics. His departure is seen as a significant shift, potentially influencing the ongoing negotiations for the formation of the new Commission.

16. September 2024 um 10:02

France nominates Stéphane Séjourné as European Commissioner after Breton steps down

France nominates Stéphane Séjourné as European Commissioner after Breton steps down
France nominates foreign minister Stéphane Séjourné, who has served in that role since January, as European Commissioner after Thierry Breton's resignation. Séjourné, with experience as chair of Macron's centrist Renew Europe group in the European Parliament and as France's Minister of Europe and foreign affairs, is nominated by President Macron in coordination with newly-appointed Prime Minister Michel Barnier for a key portfolio related to industrial, technological, and economic sovereignty..
16. September 2024 um 09:01

Breton and an inconvenient delay, Newsletter

Breton and an inconvenient delay, Newsletter
EU Commission President von der Leyen faces delays in unveiling new Commission portfolios due to French Commissioner Breton's resignation and Slovenia's last-minute change of Commissioner nominee from Tomaž Vesel to Marta Kos, which has sparked a political row between PM Golob and the opposition SDS party. The European Court of Justice will rule on Silvio Berlusconi's failed bid to acquire Banca Mediolanum. A leaked document suggested von der Leyen's political family would enjoy the lion's share..
Deutsche Welle
16. September 2024 um 10:10

Dispute with von der Leyen: EU Commissioner Breton resigns

Dispute with von der Leyen: EU Commissioner Breton resigns
Thierry Breton, the French EU Commissioner and Internal Market Commissioner for Industry and Digital Policy, has resigned from his office. This happened after a dispute with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who is said to have called on France to propose another candidate.
16. September 2024 um 10:08

The 4-day EP session begins where von der Leyen will announce her new team and Orban will speak

The 4-day EP session begins where von der Leyen will announce her new team and Orban will speak
At the 4-day session of the European Parliament, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will announce her new team; Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will speak. Thierry Breton resigned, Marta Kos' confirmation hearing was blocked. Parliamentarians will discuss the election in Venezuela and the proposal recognizing Edmundo Gonzalez as the legitimate winner. Von der Leyen has to share portfolios to avoid losing the support of the Liberals, Socialists and Greens. It is planned to make Ita..
Frankfurter Rundschau
16. September 2024 um 08:48

Zoff um von der Leyens Kuhhandel: EU-Kommissar Breton kündigt verärgert seinen Rücktritt an

Zoff um von der Leyens Kuhhandel: EU-Kommissar Breton kündigt verärgert seinen Rücktritt an
Thierry Breton, bisher EU-Kommissar für Binnenmarkt und Dienstleistungen, kündigt in einem Rücktrittsschreiben überraschend seinen Rücktritt an. Der Grund ist ein Streit mit Ursula von der Leyen, der Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, über politische Tauschgeschäfte bei der Zusammenstellung der neuen Kommission. Breton zeigt in einem weiteren Post einen leeren Bilderrahmen als symbolischen Akt. Frankreich muss nun einen neuen EU-Kommissar nominieren, da jedes EU-Land einen Sitz in der Ko..
16. September 2024 um 08:48

Zoff um von der Leyens Kuhhandel: EU-Kommissar Breton kündigt verärgert seinen Rücktritt an

Zoff um von der Leyens Kuhhandel: EU-Kommissar Breton kündigt verärgert seinen Rücktritt an
Frankreichs EU-Kommissar Thierry Breton tritt nach Streit mit von der Leyen über Ressortverteilung in ihrer zweiten Amtszeit zurück; Verhandlungen über neue Kommission beeinflusst; Reaktion Frankreichs bleibt abzuwarten.
16. September 2024 um 08:36

Ärger über von der Leyen: EU-Kommissar Breton tritt zurück

Thierry Breton, der EU-Kommissar für Binnenmarkt und Dienstleistungen, hat überraschend seinen Rücktritt angekündigt. Er warf Ursula von der Leyen vor, ihn aus persönlichen Gründen zum Rückzug aufgefordert zu haben, ohne dies direkt mit ihm zu besprechen. Bei seiner Ernennung 2019 gab es bereits Ärger zwischen von der Leyen und dem französischen Präsidenten Macron. Die EU-Kommission hat rund 32.000 Mitarbeiter, die Vorschläge für neue EU-Gesetze machen und die Wahrung der Europäischen Verträge..


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