2024-09-16 13:29:08

Ryan Wesley Routh: The Man Behind the Trump Assassination Attempt

Image courtesy of : AFP (-)

Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old construction worker from North Carolina, has been arrested for attempting to assassinate Donald Trump at his Florida golf course. Routh, who had volunteered in the Ukraine war, was found with an AK-47.

He allegedly wanted to smuggle Afghan soldiers into Ukraine to support their war effort. His son, Oran Routh, harshly criticized Trump's inaction on the Ukraine war, suggesting a derogatory twist on Trump's campaign slogan.

Routh had a history of run-ins with the law, including weapons possession and a barricade situation in 2002. Though he supported Democratic candidates in recent years, he claimed to have voted for Trump in 2016. Routh's social media posts revealed his frustration with U.S. politics and his desire to fight in Ukraine, even attempting to recruit Afghan soldiers.

The FBI is currently investigating the attempted assassination, while Routh awaits further legal proceedings. His son insists that his father is a caring man, not capable of violence.

Thế giới - VnExpress
16. September 2024 um 03:07

Nghi phạm ám sát ông Trump từng tuyên bố 'muốn chiến đấu ở Ukraine'

Nghi phạm ám sát ông Trump từng tuyên bố 'muốn chiến đấu ở Ukraine'
Ryan Wesley Routh, nghi phạm âm mưu ám sát ông Trump, là người ủng hộ đảng Dân chủ và từng tuyên bố sẵn sàng "chiến đấu đến chết" tại Ukraine. Các mật vụ bảo vệ cựu tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump chiều 15/9 phát hiện nòng súng nhô ra khỏi hàng rào gần nơi ông chơi golf ở West Palm Beach, bang Florida, và nổ súng về phía nghi phạm. Người này lái ôtô bỏ trốn trước khi bị cảnh sát bắt ở hạt Martin lân cận. Cục Điều tra Liên bang Mỹ (FBI) xác nhận đang điều tra "hành động được cho là âm mưu ám sát nhằm..
Yahoo News
16. September 2024 um 09:46

Kremlin on alleged Trump shooter's Ukrainian links: playing with fire has consequences

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warns that alleged Trump shooter Ryan Wesley Routh's Ukrainian ties, including social media, NYT interview, and recruiting Afghan soldiers, demonstrate consequences of "playing with fire". Major US media outlets identify Routh as suspect.
Frankfurter Rundschau
16. September 2024 um 11:11

Confused Ukraine Supporter: Who is the Suspect in the Trump Assassination Attempt in Florida?

Confused Ukraine Supporter: Who is the Suspect in the Trump Assassination Attempt in Florida?
Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58-year-old construction worker from North Carolina, was arrested after he attempted to carry out an assassination attempt on Trump's golf course in Florida using an AK-47 assault rifle. Routh, who had served as a volunteer in the Ukraine war, apparently wanted to smuggle a group of Afghan soldiers into Ukraine to support the war effort. His son Oran Routh criticized Trump's inaction in the Ukraine war and suggested renaming Trump's campaign slogan to 'Make Americans Slaves..
16. September 2024 um 10:52

ILDU Denies Claims That Trump's Florida Attacker Joined the Ukrainian Foreign Legion

ILDU Denies Claims That Trump's Florida Attacker Joined the Ukrainian Foreign Legion
Ukraine's military unit of foreign volunteers, ILDU, has stated that the person accused of attacking Trump is not a member of their organization. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy had previously announced the creation of a special military unit to counter the Russian invasion.


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