2024-09-18 13:29:09

AfD Challenges SPD in Brandenburg State Election

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As the Brandenburg state election approaches, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) is leading the polls, placing ahead of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD). According to a recent Insa survey, the AfD, led by Hans-Christoph Berndt, stands at 28%, while the SPD follows with 25%.

This marks a significant shift from the 2019 election results, where the SPD emerged victorious with 26.2%. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) trail behind with 16% and 14%, respectively.

Younger voters are notably swayed by the AfD's stance on asylum policy, highlighting a shift in priorities from environmental concerns to immigration and security. The SPD's potential loss could lead to a reconfiguration of coalitions and political strategies, underscoring the dynamic nature of Brandenburg's political landscape.

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