2024-09-18 23:55:08

EU Withholds Funds from Hungary Over Asylum Fine

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The European Union will withhold €200 million from Hungary due to Budapest’s failure to pay a fine imposed by the European Court of Justice. This fine was a consequence of Hungary's violation of a 2020 ruling on asylum procedures, including the failure to provide special protections for children and other vulnerable individuals.

To enforce the penalty, the EU plans to deduct the amount from upcoming payments to Hungary. Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government has adopted a stringent stance on migration, often resulting in clashes with the EU over various issues, including the rule of law and the Ukraine conflict.

Hungary's nationalist leadership has expressed discontent and may pursue legal action to compel the EU to share in border protection costs. The European Commission has previously frozen billions in funds to Hungary due to non-compliance with EU standards and values.

This ongoing tension underscores the broader friction between Hungary and EU authorities over asylum policies and governance norms.

18. September 2024 um 13:39

Brussels: Millions in fines to be deducted from EU funds for Hungary

The ECJ imposed a 200 million euro fine on Hungary for violations of EU asylum law. Since Hungary did not pay the fine, the European Commission wants to deduct the money from future EU payments to Budapest. The conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orban has already been convicted several times by the ECJ for disregarding EU standards and fundamental values, prompting the Commission to freeze billions in subsidies for Hungary.
18. September 2024 um 12:32

Europe: Orbán's Veto Endangers Billion-Dollar Loan for Ukraine

Europe: Orbán's Veto Endangers Billion-Dollar Loan for Ukraine
Hungary's Prime Minister is torpedoing the plan of the US and the EU to help Kyiv with a loan of $50 billion. He hopes for an election victory by Trump, who also does not approve of Western aid for Kyiv.
18. September 2024 um 12:12

EU Commission: Million-Euro fine against Hungary to be deducted from EU funds

EU Commission: Million-Euro fine against Hungary to be deducted from EU funds
The EU Commission wants to deduct a 200 million euro fine against Hungary from future EU payments, as Hungary has not paid the fine. Hungary also has to pay a daily penalty of one million euros. The ruling of the ECJ condemned Hungary for violations of EU asylum law due to a complaint by the EU Commission, which saw the previous ECJ ruling on the Hungarian asylum system as not sufficiently implemented. The European Commission has been accusing Hungary for years of disregarding EU standards and..
18. September 2024 um 17:00

The European Commission deducts 200 million euros from Hungary's funds due to non-payment of asylum fines

The European Commission deducts 200 million euros from Hungary's funds due to non-payment of asylum fines
The European Commission deducts 200 million euros from Hungary's budget due to non-payment of asylum fines. Hungary threatens to transfer migrants to the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels as a retaliatory measure.
18. September 2024 um 15:42

EU gegen Orbans Migrationspolitik: Weniger EU-Geld für Ungarn

EU gegen Orbans Migrationspolitik: Weniger EU-Geld für Ungarn
Die ungarische Regierung unter Viktor Orban weigert sich, eine Strafe von 200 Millionen Euro wegen Asylrechtsverstößen zu zahlen. Die EU-Kommission will das Geld nun von künftigen Zahlungen an Ungarn abziehen. Ungarn erwägt, die EU auf dem Prozessweg dazu zu bringen, sich an den Kosten für den Schutz seiner Grenzen gegen irreguläre Migranten zu beteiligen.


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