2024-09-18 23:55:08

Rising Tensions Between Venezuela and the West

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The arrest of a fourth US citizen in Venezuela for alleged conspiracy marks a new peak in the strained relations between Venezuela and Western nations. Venezuelan authorities accuse him of plotting to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro.

This follows the recent detainment of three other US citizens, two Spaniards, and a Czech national on similar charges. The US, Spain, and the Czech Republic deny any involvement.

Diplomatic relations have been deteriorating since Venezuela's disputed presidential election, with the US recognizing opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the rightful winner. Spain and other EU nations demand full disclosure of election results while refraining from acknowledging Maduro’s victory.

In the midst of these tensions, González claims coercion by Venezuelan officials to accept Maduro’s win, further complicating the crisis. The situation is exacerbated by Venezuela's accusations against Argentine officials and the Spanish Senate's motion to recognize González as president, advocating for Maduro's international indictment.

18. September 2024 um 16:01

The Senate calls to 'adopt measures supporting the transfer of power' from Nicolás Maduro to Edmundo González without the PNV and with Junts

The Spanish Senate approves a motion urging the Government to recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the new president of Venezuela and to promote an arrest warrant against Nicolás Maduro before the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity.
18. September 2024 um 19:17

Edmundo González denounces coercion by Chavismo at the Spanish Embassy to accept Maduro's victory

Edmundo González, a Venezuelan opposition candidate, denounces that Chavismo coerced him at the Spanish Embassy to recognize the victory of Nicolás Maduro, backed by the Supreme Court of Justice controlled by Chavismo.
The Guardian
18. September 2024 um 20:08

Venezuela opposition leader says he was forced to sign letter accepting Maduro victory

Edmundo González Urrutia, Venezuela’s opposition candidate, claims he was coerced into signing a letter recognizing Nicolás Maduro's election victory to secure asylum in Spain, intensifying the political crisis. He detailed the blackmail and pressure in a post on X, while Jorge Rodríguez, Maduro’s negotiator, denied his claims during a press conference. The national electoral council, loyal to Maduro, declared him the winner, contrary to opposition claims that González won based on the voting..
19. September 2024 um 00:39

The Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office Announces Arrest Warrants Against President Milei and His Sister

The Chavista government accuses Argentine President Javier Milei, his sister Karina Milei, and Security Minister Patricia Bulrich of "stealing and dismantling" a Venezuelan cargo plane retained in Buenos Aires in 2022 and handed over to the US in February. Venezuela is intensifying its diplomatic offensive against countries that support opposition claims of fraud in the re-election of Nicolás Maduro.


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