2024-09-19 23:55:08

Germany Faces Political Tensions and Policy Debates

Image courtesy of : AFP (RONNY HARTMANN)

Germany is currently experiencing significant political tensions and policy debates. Brandenburg's Interior Minister Stübgen (CDU) has proposed abolishing the individual right to asylum in favor of refugee quotas, a move criticized for potentially worsening conditions for refugees.

Sahra Wagenknecht sees potential for a Left-CDU coalition in the east but warns that CDU leader Friedrich Merz's foreign policy could endanger Germany. Merz, however, firmly opposes coalitions with Wagenknecht's movement in Thuringia and Saxony, while aiming to prevent an AfD minister-president in Thuringia.

Additionally, Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder (CSU) seeks to drop all COVID-19 fine proceedings, and the AfD's legal challenge over Bundestag committee chairmanships has failed. The political landscape is further complicated by the upcoming Brandenburg elections, with the AfD leading in polls.

Meanwhile, Economics Minister Habeck (Greens) is content with Merz as a potential chancellor candidate for the Union, and the SPD is pushing for more accessibility in public spaces. Amid these discussions, SPD politician Stegner and Wagenknecht plan to speak at a controversial peace demonstration in Berlin.

The political climate in Germany remains highly charged, with various parties and leaders navigating complex issues and alliances.

19. September 2024 um 04:53

Wagenknecht: "Merz would massively endanger Germany"

Wagenknecht: "Merz would massively endanger Germany"
Brandenburg's Interior Minister Stübgen (CDU) speaks out in favor of abolishing the individual right to asylum in the Basic Law in order to introduce refugee contingents. Sahra Wagenknecht sees opportunities for a coalition of the Left and the CDU in the east, but criticizes CDU leader Merz's foreign policy positions as dangerous for Germany. Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder (CSU) wants to discontinue all Corona fine proceedings in Bavaria, and the AfD parliamentary group has failed with its law..
Berliner Zeitung
19. September 2024 um 17:04

Berlin: Will Sahra Wagenknecht in Lichtenberg for the Bundestag election?

Berlin: Will Sahra Wagenknecht in Lichtenberg for the Bundestag election?
Sahra Wagenknecht, Ines Schwerdtner and Gesine Lötzsch are central figures in the race for Lichtenberg. Sören Pellmann won a direct mandate for the Left Party in 2021, but the AfD and CDU's Freymark want to conquer the constituency. The basic mandate clause saved the Left Party in 2021, and Schwerdtner founded the German Jacobin offshoot. The Berlin SPD and Michael Geisel also want to win the constituency. 450 supporters gathered at the Karlshorst trotting track, and the Berlin state association..
19. September 2024 um 16:53

Raed Saleh criticizes Friedrich Merz: "Populism alone is not enough"

For Saleh, immigration in Berlin has long been part of the norm. He sees it as an enrichment and warns against uncontrolled immigration. Saleh criticizes Merz's populist rhetoric, which has damaged the CDU, and emphasizes that simple populism is not enough to become chancellor.
19. September 2024 um 16:41

CDU Minister Wants to Amend the Constitution: Lessons from the Holocaust

CDU Minister Wants to Amend the Constitution: Lessons from the Holocaust
Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen wants to remove the individual right to asylum from the Constitution in order to introduce quotas for refugees instead. This would be a departure from the principle of non-refoulement, which is a lesson learned from the Holocaust. Experts warn that quotas would worsen the situation for those seeking protection.


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