2024-09-21 05:40:08

Effective Border Controls in Focus

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Recent border controls between the Netherlands and Lower Saxony have commenced with notable efficiency. Established checkpoints along major highways have facilitated several arrests, primarily for minor offenses.

While these regions are not typical escape routes, law enforcement has successfully intercepted drug smugglers. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has mandated stationary checks at all land borders, raising discussions about their necessity within the Schengen area.

The head of the Federal Criminal Police views these measures as effective against smuggling networks, citing a rise in apprehensions. However, concerns from Luxembourg highlight the delicate balance between security and the principles of open borders within the EU.

As cross-border commuting remains prevalent, the dialogue on border management continues to evolve.

20. September 2024 um 22:10

BKA Head Supports Border Controls - Around 4,000 Suspected Smugglers Counted in 2023

BKA Head Supports Border Controls - Around 4,000 Suspected Smugglers Counted in 2023
The BKA President Holger Münch supports border controls; in 2023, around 4,000 suspected smugglers were counted; the Federal Police are very active in investigations into smuggling networks.
20. September 2024 um 22:56

Migration: Head of the Federal Criminal Police Office considers border controls effective

Migration: Head of the Federal Criminal Police Office considers border controls effective
The President of the Federal Criminal Police Office considers border controls to be effective in the fight against human trafficking crime. The number of detections has increased, but the networks of the smugglers must also be combated. The Federal Police are very active here. Luxembourg views the border controls critically, as the Schengen Agreement with its open EU internal borders must not be called into question. More than 200,000 commuters travel to Luxembourg every day, many of them from..
21. September 2024 um 03:02

Federal Police: Border controls well underway

Federal Police: Border controls well underway
Border controls between the Netherlands and Lower Saxony have begun; checkpoints have been set up on the A30, A280 and B402 near Meppen; several arrests have been made for minor offenses; Lower Saxony and the Netherlands are not classic escape routes.


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