2024-09-22 09:00:08

Tragic Methane Explosion in Iranian Coal Mine Claims Lives

Image courtesy of : AFP (-)

A devastating methane explosion occurred on Saturday evening at a coal mine in Tabas, South Khorasan province, Iran. The incident has resulted in at least 30 fatalities, with 17 individuals reported missing. At the time of the explosion, 70 workers were inside the mine, and 24 remain trapped. The rescue operation is ongoing, but thick smoke is hampering efforts. The President has ordered full support for the rescue and relief operations.

This tragic event highlights a recurring issue in Iran's mining industry, often plagued by loose safety standards and poor emergency responses. Past incidents, such as the 2017 explosion that killed 42 miners, underline the urgent need for improved safety measures. The government has initiated an investigation to determine the cause of the explosion and prevent future tragedies.

The families of the victims and the trapped miners are in desperate need of support during this challenging time. The nation mourns the loss of these workers and hopes for the safe rescue of those still trapped.

Al Jazeera
22. September 2024 um 05:56

At least 30 killed in Iran coal mine blast: State media

Cryptocurrencies & blockchain
Tabas coal mine blast kills 30+, 24 trapped; methane leak, 69 workers, 28 hospitalized; President orders rescue, investigation; past mining disasters; lax safety, inadequate emergency services blamed.
Tagesschau - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Asien
22. September 2024 um 17:45

Iran Deaths and Injuries in Gas Explosion at Coal Mine

At least 30 people died in a gas explosion at a coal mine in Tabas, Iran; 17 were injured. 69 workers were present. Methane gas exploded in two sections of the mine. In 2017, a similar explosion killed 42 people. Rescue efforts are progressing slowly due to heavy smoke. Lack of safety standards is often blamed for such fatalities. President Peseschkian promised to follow up on the matter.
Deutsche Welle
22. September 2024 um 06:44

Iran: Coal miners trapped after deadly explosion

Cryptocurrencies & blockchain
Iran: Coal miners trapped after deadly explosion
Iran coal mine explosion kills 19, traps 30 Madanjoo workers. Methane blast in Tabas, South Khorasan; Iran rich in oil, minerals, coal. Loose safety, poor emergency response blamed for mining deaths.
22. September 2024 um 07:24

Coal Mine: At Least 30 Dead After Methane Explosion in Iran

Methane explosion in coal mine in Iran; at least 30 dead; 17 missing; rescue operation underway; President orders support.


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