2024-09-23 17:55:09

EU Faces Challenges with Agricultural and Environmental Policies

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The European Union is grappling with significant challenges in its agricultural and environmental policies. The EU has allocated 46.5 million euros from its agricultural reserve to compensate fruit and wine growers in Germany for frost damage, with additional aid earmarked for farms in Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, and Estonia.

This financial support aims to mitigate the severe impact of climate-related events on agriculture. Concurrently, German agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir has called for a six-month delay in implementing the regulation on deforestation-free supply chains for products like coffee, cocoa, soy, and palm oil.

This regulation aims to reduce deforestation in the Amazon region, but Özdemir argues that the current bureaucratic requirements are too cumbersome and need revision for smoother execution. The European Court of Auditors has also criticized the EU's funding policy for organic farming.

Despite substantial financial support, the EU is unlikely to meet its goal of 25% organic farming by 2030. The auditors highlighted that many farmers receive subsidies without adhering to organic standards, which undermines the sector's growth and sustainability.

The EU's current organic farming area stands at 10.5%, with Germany slightly below this average and Austria leading with over 25%. The audit calls for clearer, measurable goals and a more effective allocation of funds to ensure the long-term viability of organic farming.

In response, the European Commission remains optimistic, emphasizing recent developments in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and encouraging member states to bolster their support for organic production.

23. September 2024 um 12:36

Özdemir demands postponement of the EU deforestation regulation

Özdemir demands postponement of the EU deforestation regulation
Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir is calling for a postponement of the planned EU deforestation regulation, which will only allow products such as coffee, soy, and cocoa if no deforestation occurred after 2020. Companies must submit a due diligence declaration; violations will be punished. Özdemir criticizes the high bureaucratic effort and the lack of improvements by the EU Commission.
23. September 2024 um 12:36

Nature Conservation: Özdemir Demands Postponement of EU Deforestation Regulation

Nature Conservation: Özdemir Demands Postponement of EU Deforestation Regulation
Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir is calling for a postponement of the planned EU deforestation regulation, which will only allow the sale of products such as coffee, soy and cocoa in the EU if no forests were cleared for them after 2020. The implementation must be postponed by half a year in order to find practical solutions.
23. September 2024 um 12:36

Özdemir Demands Postponement of EU Deforestation Regulation

Özdemir Demands Postponement of EU Deforestation Regulation
The EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains affects important goods such as coffee, wood and soy. Agriculture Minister Özdemir is calling for a postponement, as the implementation is too bureaucratic.
Frankfurter Rundschau
23. September 2024 um 12:36

Özdemir Calls for Postponement of the EU Deforestation Regulation

Özdemir Calls for Postponement of the EU Deforestation Regulation
In Brussels, Agriculture Minister Özdemir has reiterated his demand for a postponement of the planned EU deforestation regulation. Despite criticism, there have been no amendments from the Commission so far. The regulation requires due diligence statements and threatens high penalties for non-compliance. Germany is to be classified as a country with low deforestation risk.


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