2024-09-24 13:29:08

Constitutional Court Reviews Legality of Electricity Price Cap

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The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe has initiated hearings to examine the legality of Germany's electricity price cap, a measure introduced to protect consumers from soaring energy costs following the Ukraine war. The court is particularly scrutinizing whether the regulation infringes upon the rights of renewable energy producers. Twenty-two operators of renewable energy plants have filed complaints, arguing that the financial burden of the energy crisis should be borne by the state rather than through the skimming of their excess revenues.

The root of the issue lies in the significant hike in gas prices, which caused a ripple effect, increasing the costs of other energy sources. To mitigate the impact on consumers, the government capped electricity prices and sought to fund this intervention partly through the revenues of renewable energy producers who benefited from the high market prices without incurring additional production costs. This measure, intended to stabilize the electricity market, was limited in duration but has drawn criticism from the affected producers. They contend that the policy unfairly targets them and fails to consider the actual costs of their operations, such as those involving biomass fuel procurement.

The court's deliberations will delve into the broader workings of the electricity market, including the Merit-Order Principle, which dictates that the most expensive energy source needed to meet demand sets the market price. This principle has led to wind, solar, and biomass energy producers receiving higher prices without higher costs, resulting in significant profits during the crisis. The court's decision, expected in the coming months, could mandate changes to how financial responsibility for such crises is distributed, potentially shifting more of the burden onto the federal budget.

24. September 2024 um 02:07

Karlsruhe negotiates the skimming of surplus revenues in the electricity market

Karlsruhe negotiates the skimming of surplus revenues in the electricity market
The electricity price brake, which has now expired, is the subject of a hearing on Tuesday (10:00 a.m.) at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe. It is negotiating complaints filed by 22 operators of renewable energy plants. They are defending themselves against the skimming off of a portion of their profits. (Ref. 1 BvR 460/23 and 1 BvR 611/23)
Tagesschau - Wirtschaft und Börsen-Nachrichten
24. September 2024 um 08:24

Lawsuit by energy suppliers Federal Constitutional Court discusses electricity price brake

As of September 24, 2024, 10:24 AM Is the state allowed to finance the electricity price brake, among other things, with levies on suppliers of renewable energy? This question is now to be clarified by the Federal Constitutional Court. When the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court meets in Karlsruhe today, it is about a law that was on everyone's lips not so long ago: the "electricity price brake". It was intended to protect consumers from excessively high electricity costs and rel..
24. September 2024 um 11:17

Federal Constitutional Court examines: Does the electricity price brake violate the rights of the producers?

Federal Constitutional Court examines: Does the electricity price brake violate the rights of the producers?
The Federal Constitutional Court is examining whether the electricity price brake violates the rights of the producers. The First Senate wants to deepen the understanding of the electricity market; a judgment is expected in months. 22 operators of renewable energy plants are suing because the energy crisis should be financed by the state. The mechanism of skimming off excess revenues is also being discussed.


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