2024-09-26 05:40:08

Political Drama Unfolds in Thuringia's State Parliament

Image courtesy of : AFP (MICHAELA STACHE)

Thuringia's state parliament is convening just under four weeks after the election, and for the first time, the AfD is the strongest force. This unprecedented situation challenges political conventions, setting the stage for a dramatic power struggle.

The AfD's right-wing extremist leader, Björn Höcke, and the other parliamentary groups, including CDU, BSW, Left, and SPD, are poised for confrontations over the election of the state parliament president. The AfD's candidate, Wiebke Muhsal, a controversial figure with a past fraud conviction, has faced significant opposition.

The other parties are determined to block any AfD candidate from assuming the presidency. The CDU and BSW plan to amend parliamentary rules to allow other groups to propose candidates from the first ballot, igniting further conflict.

Jürgen Treutler, the oldest parliament member and an AfD affiliate, will chair the first session, adding another layer of uncertainty. This political spectacle in Thuringia could have lasting implications on the election of the Minister President and the overall political stability.

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26. September 2024 um 02:03

Showdown in Thuringia - Who will become State Parliament President?

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