2024-09-26 17:55:08

Pope Francis Advocates for Peace and Reform in Europe

Image courtesy of : AFP (-)

Pope Francis has embarked on a significant tour through Luxembourg and Belgium to advocate for peace and address critical issues within the Catholic Church. In Luxembourg, he called for global peace negotiations, emphasizing the need to resolve conflicts and heal divisions in Europe. The Pope's journey included driving through Luxembourg City with Cardinal Hollerich, where he witnessed protests from PETA activists demanding the condemnation of bullfighting. Security forces intervened when an activist attempted to storm the Popemobile.

During his visit, Pope Francis met with Grand Duke Henri and Prime Minister Luc Frieden, highlighting Europe's role as a beacon of hope and the importance of welcoming migrants. He also visited the Grand Ducal Palace and posed for a family photo with the Grand Duke's family.

In Belgium, Pope Francis met with the Belgian royal couple and bishops, visited the Catholic University of Leuven, and held a mass at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels, where 35,000 people were expected. His visit also included a meeting with European Council President Charles Michel. Notably, Pope Francis is anticipated to engage with victims of sexual violence by clergy, responding to calls from church-critical organizations for greater transparency, compensation for victims, ordination of women, and an end to celibacy.

Throughout his tour, Pope Francis has faced opposition to Vatican teachings on contraception, sexual morals, and the long-standing abuse cover-up within the Church. Despite these challenges, his visit has been marked by significant public interest, with thousands of people greeting him and participating in public viewings and mass gatherings. The Pope's message of peace, openness, and reform resonates deeply, highlighting his commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing the Catholic Church and society at large.

26. September 2024 um 13:27

Pope calls for peace negotiations in worldwide conflicts in Luxembourg

Pope calls for peace negotiations in worldwide conflicts in Luxembourg
Pope Francis calls for peace negotiations in worldwide conflicts in Luxembourg. He laments divisions and hostilities on the European continent. Together with the Luxembourgish Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Francis travels through Luxembourg City in the Popemobile, where hundreds of people cheer him on.
26. September 2024 um 15:26

Pope Francis to meet European Council President Charles Michel

Pope Francis, the first non-European pope for over a millennium, will meet European Council President Charles Michel during his visit to Belgium and Luxembourg this week. The two previously met in the Vatican in 2021. Michel is due to step down as European Council president at the end of November. The Pope will arrive in Belgium on Thursday evening, conclude his trip with a mass at King Baudouin stadium in Brussels, and previously addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, in 2014...
26. September 2024 um 15:22

Pope Francis begins tour through heart of Europe to promote peace and boost his dwindling flock

Pope Francis begins tour through heart of Europe to promote peace and boost his dwindling flock
Pope Francis visits Luxembourg to boost dwindling Catholic flock amid declining attendance, abuse scandals. Meets Grand Duke, PM Luc Frieden. Calls for Europe as beacon of hope, welcoming migrants. Compares to St. John Paul II's 1985 Benelux tour with 10-day visit, 59 speeches, 45,000 at Mass. Faces opposition to Vatican teachings on contraception, sexual morals, decades-long abuse cover-up. Greeted by well-wishers at Dukal Palace. Travels to Belgium, expected to meet abuse survivors.
26. September 2024 um 14:43

Papst Franziskus besucht großherzoglichen Palast in Luxemburg

Papst Franziskus besucht großherzoglichen Palast in Luxemburg
Papst Franziskus besuchte den Palast in Luxemburg, traf sich mit der Großherzogsfamilie und posierte für ein Familienfoto mit Prinzessin Amalia, Prinz Liam, Großherzog Henri, Großherzogin Maria Teresa, Prinzessin Alexandra, Nicolas Bagory, Félix von Luxemburg, Claire, Erbherzog Guillaume, Stéphanie, Prinz Charles, Prinz François, Prinz Sébastian, Prinz Gabriel, Prinz Noah und Prinz Louis.


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