2024-09-29 13:29:09

Turmoil and Resignations Shake the Green Party

The Green Party is experiencing a significant wave of resignations and internal conflicts. High-ranking officials like Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour have stepped down from their leadership roles, prompting discussions about the party's future direction.

This has caused ripples across the party's base, with calls for a pragmatic approach to migration and climate policies becoming more pronounced. Additionally, the Green Youth in multiple regions, including Schleswig-Holstein, have resigned en masse, criticizing the party for not challenging the wealthy and large corporations or addressing social inequality and asylum policies effectively.

Amidst this upheaval, Economics Minister Robert Habeck's close ally Sven Giegold has announced his candidacy for the Federal Executive Board, which Habeck views as a signal for a fresh start. However, Habeck's candidacy for Chancellor appears to be polarizing; a survey indicates that 39% of Germans are less likely to vote for the Greens if he is the candidate.

Meanwhile, Andreas Audretsch has proposed wealth redistribution as a key election campaign issue. The Green Party faces the challenge of reconciling internal divisions while trying to present a united front ahead of upcoming elections.

Frankfurter Rundschau
28. September 2024 um 16:12

After the wave of resignations at the Greens: Habeck's confidant wants to run for the federal executive board

After the wave of resignations at the Greens: Habeck's confidant wants to run for the federal executive board
Green resignations: Sven Giegold, State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics, wants to run for the Green Federal Executive Board; Emily Büning, Political Managing Director, and Frederic Carpenter, Federal Treasurer, are also resigning; Franziska Brantner and Felix Banaszak want to become Green party leaders; Economics Minister Robert Habeck sees the candidacy as a 'strong signal for a fresh start'; Andreas Audretsch, Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader, proposes wealth redistribution for the e..
29. September 2024 um 04:40

Ricarda Lang: Green Politician Strikes Back Against Her Critics After Resignation

Ricarda Lang: Green Politician Strikes Back Against Her Critics After Resignation
Green politician Ricarda Lang resigns; party board announces resignation; new board to be elected at the federal party convention in mid-November.
29. September 2024 um 07:40

Greens under pressure - Habeck not a voter favorite: As a chancellor candidate, he costs the Greens votes

Greens under pressure - Habeck not a voter favorite: As a chancellor candidate, he costs the Greens votes
According to a survey, 39% of Germans would be less likely to vote for the Greens if Robert Habeck becomes the chancellor candidate. In comparison, Friedrich Merz (CDU) reaches 35% (+5 percentage points), Olaf Scholz (SPD) 19% (-1 percentage point) and Habeck 16% (+2 percentage points). Only 16 percent of respondents would be more willing to vote for the Greens if Habeck becomes the chancellor candidate. 36 percent of respondents hold the Greens responsible for the poor reputation of the traffic..
29. September 2024 um 10:05

Merz on his friendship with Lindner: "I understand him less and less"

Merz on his friendship with Lindner: "I understand him less and less"
Merz, the CDU chairman, has sharply criticized the FDP chairman Lindner and accused the FDP of "organized suicide". Merz said he understands Lindner less and less and does not know what he is planning. The FDP has achieved very poor results in recent state elections. Merz sees the work of the traffic light coalition in danger and accuses the FDP of no longer adhering to the joint agreements.


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