2024-09-30 17:55:09

Escalation in the Middle East: Israel's Strategic Strikes

Image courtesy of : AFP (AMMAR AMMAR)

Israel has intensified its military operations, targeting Houthi positions in Yemen and Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon. Key Hezbollah figures, including its leader Hassan Nasrallah, were killed in the strikes.

Lebanon faces a significant humanitarian crisis with over 100,000 people fleeing to Syria. The UN is providing emergency aid to the displaced, marking the largest displacement crisis in Lebanon's history.

Iran has condemned the attacks and vowed to respond, while the US plans to boost its defensive air support in the region. China's opposition to violations of Lebanese sovereignty adds another layer of complexity.

Amidst the turmoil, Gaza's death toll has surpassed 41,000, and Hamas and Fatah have signed a declaration in Beijing. The situation remains volatile as regional actors navigate the ongoing conflict.

Deutsche Welle
29. September 2024 um 17:09

Israel strikes Yemen as Lebanon attacks continue

Israel strikes Yemen as Lebanon attacks continue
Israel strikes Houthi targets in Yemen, including power plants and a port, as well as dozens of Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, killing the group's commanders Ali Karaki and Nabil Kaouk, and its leader Hassan Nasrallah. The US plans to boost defensive air support in the Middle East, and Iran condemns the killings, vowing a response and calling for a UN meeting. Lebanon reports 14 paramedics killed in Israeli attacks, the UN provides emergency aid, and the country faces its largest displacement c..
Al Jazeera
30. September 2024 um 12:06

Israeli raids force 100,000 to flee Lebanon for Syria

Over 100,000 people have fled Lebanon for Syria to escape Israeli air raids; UN refugee agency UNHCR is supporting new arrivals at border crossings; Israeli strikes have targeted Hezbollah, killing its leader and commanders; 30,000 people have crossed into Syria, 80% Syrian nationals and 20% Lebanese, mostly women and children; they arrive in Syria, a country suffering economic collapse, traumatized and desperate for help; the Israeli bombardment has killed more than 700 people in Lebanon, inc..
Al Jazeera
30. September 2024 um 12:37

Israeli bombardment of Lebanon sends 100,000 fleeing to war-torn Syria: UN

Over 100,000 have fled Lebanon to Syria due to Israeli bombardment targeting Hezbollah; UN agencies assist. 1 million people may have been displaced, with 200,000 mapped by the International Organization for Migration, in the worst displacement in Lebanon's history.
30. September 2024 um 07:38

Comment by Joachim Krause - Israel is turning the big wheel in the Middle East - and could be successful with it

Comment by Joachim Krause - Israel is turning the big wheel in the Middle East - and could be successful with it
Israel has dealt a severe blow to Hezbollah in recent weeks by destroying a rocket factory in Syria, injuring or killing thousands of Hezbollah cadres, and decapitating Hezbollah's military leadership. The attacks aim to reduce the threat posed by Hezbollah to Israel.
30. September 2024 um 09:49

Israel und Libanon: UN melden Flucht Zehntausender Libanesen nach Syrien

Israel und Libanon: UN melden Flucht Zehntausender Libanesen nach Syrien
Mindestens 100.000 Menschen, darunter Syrer und Libanesen, sind vor den Kämpfen im Libanon ins benachbarte Syrien geflohen. Die Fluchtbewegung dauert an; das UNHCR und das Syrische Rote Kreuz unterstützen die Geflüchteten an den Grenzübergängen. Die Hisbollah, eine libanesische Terrororganisation, ist in den Konflikt involviert. Die meisten Menschen fliehen über den Grenzübergang Richtung Homs und Damaskus. Syrien hatte eigentlich verlangt, dass jeder Einreisende mindestens 100 Dollar umtauscht,..
30. September 2024 um 09:09

Nahost-Konflikt: Wer sind die Verbündeten des Iran?

Der Iran unterstützt die palästinensischen Terrororganisationen Hamas und Islamischer Dschihad im Gazastreifen, die Hisbollah im Libanon, deren Anführer Hassan Nasrallah starb, die Huthi-Miliz im Jemen, die Raketen auf Israel und Handelsschiffe im Roten Meer feuert, sowie die Volksmobilisierungskräfte (PMF) im Irak. Alle verfolgen das gemeinsame Ziel, Israel zu vernichten und die US-Truppen aus der Region zu vertreiben. Der Iran intervenierte auch im syrischen Bürgerkrieg, um Baschar al-Assad..


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