2024-09-30 17:55:09

Le Pen Faces Critical Trial Over EU Funds Misuse

Image courtesy of : AFP (DIMITAR DILKOFF)

Marine Le Pen, leader of France's far-right National Rally (RN) party, stands trial in Paris for alleged misappropriation of EU funds. Alongside 24 others from her party, Le Pen is accused of creating fake jobs for parliamentary assistants from 2004 to 2016, redirecting funds meant for the European Parliament. If convicted, she faces up to ten years in prison and a ban on running for office, jeopardizing her 2027 presidential ambitions. Le Pen denies the charges but will personally attend the nine-week trial, which began Monday.

The case centers on claims that RN used EU funds to pay party workers who did not perform the parliamentary duties they were officially hired for. The prosecution alleges that some assistants spent as little as one and a half days in the EU Parliament over a year. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) estimates the damages at nearly seven million euros, with the RN having already repaid one million euros.

The trial threatens not only Le Pen's political future but also the recent efforts to normalize her party's image. Originally known as the Front National, RN has rebranded and attempted to distance itself from extreme positions. This case, however, brings unwelcome scrutiny back to the party's financial dealings.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine's father and RN co-founder, was also implicated but declared unfit for trial. The European Parliament joins as a civil party, seeking compensation for the misappropriated funds. The outcome of this trial could significantly impact the political landscape in France, especially as RN continues to wield substantial influence despite finishing third in the recent legislative elections.

30. September 2024 um 06:39

French far-right goes on trial for allegedly embezzling European funds for party

French far-right goes on trial for allegedly embezzling European funds for party
The trial in Paris involves 27 current and former members of France's far-right National Rally (RN) party, including presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, co-founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, Perpignan mayor Louis Aliot, and MEPs such as Nicolas Bay. They are accused of embezzling millions in EU funds to pay party workers, facing prison, fines, and loss of civic rights. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) investigated, and Le Pen was ordered to repay €300,000. The estimated damages are nearly €7 mi..
Al Jazeera
30. September 2024 um 08:37

France’s Le Pen and far-right party on trial for alleged EU funds abuse

Marine Le Pen, leader of France's far-right National Rally (RN) party, and 25 other party members face trial for allegedly misusing EU funds meant for European Parliament (MEPs) and their parliamentary assistants to pay a bodyguard, secretary, chief of staff, graphic designer, and other staff for exclusive party work since 2004. The case, first flagged in 2015, threatens Le Pen's 2027 presidential bid. Prosecutors claim RN used the funds to pay employees who never met their supposed MEP boss or..
The Guardian
30. September 2024 um 13:56

Marine Le Pen and other RN party figures go on trial over EU fake jobs allegations

Marine Le Pen, RN party, and several former MEPs face trial over alleged embezzlement of EU funds through fake parliamentary assistant jobs. Prosecutors claim assistants like Julien Odoul worked exclusively for the party, not parliament. Evidence includes contracts as short as one day and a treasurer's warning. The RN has repaid €1m, denying guilt. Le Pen's father Jean-Marie Le Pen and party treasurer Wallerand de Saint-Just are also involved. Mylène Troszczynski was an MEP, and Patrick Maison..
Deutsche Welle
30. September 2024 um 11:21

France's Le Pen on trial for alleged misuse of EU funds

France's Le Pen on trial for alleged misuse of EU funds
Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Rally (RN) party, is on trial for alleged misuse of EU funds through a fake jobs scheme that misappropriated financial resources from 2004 to 2016. Facing a possible 10 years in prison, her trial commenced in France on Monday, alongside 26 other party associates. Prosecutors claim that RN members, including Le Pen, falsely elevated lower-level employees to higher positions to access EU funds. The RN argues that this investigation represents a 'pe..
30. September 2024 um 06:10

Marine Le Pen vor Gericht – auch ihr Vater wird angeklagt

Marine Le Pen vor Gericht – auch ihr Vater wird angeklagt
28 Rechtspopulisten und Extremisten, darunter Marine Le Pen und ihr Vater, der Parteigründer, stehen in Frankreich vor Gericht. Ihnen wird Veruntreuung öffentlicher Gelder vorgeworfen, insbesondere die mögliche Scheinbeschäftigung von Assistenten französischer Europaabgeordneter. Die Vorwürfe beziehen sich auf die Jahre 2004 bis 2016 und es geht um eine Summe von knapp sieben Millionen Euro. Bei einer Verurteilung drohen den Angeklagten empfindliche Geldstrafen sowie Haftstrafen von bis zu zehn..
30. September 2024 um 09:22

Verdacht auf Veruntreuung von EU-Geld: Marine Le Pen muss sich ab heute vor Gericht verantworten

Verdacht auf Veruntreuung von EU-Geld: Marine Le Pen muss sich ab heute vor Gericht verantworten
Marine Le Pen und weitere Mitglieder der Partei Rassemblement National (früher: Front National) müssen sich wegen Veruntreuung öffentlicher Gelder in Höhe von knapp sieben Millionen Euro vor Gericht verantworten. Sollte es zu Schuldsprüchen kommen, drohen den Angeklagten empfindliche Geldstrafen, Haftstrafen von bis zu zehn Jahren sowie eine Unwählbarkeit für fünf Jahre, was Marine Le Pens Kandidatur bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 2027 behindern könnte. Obwohl die Partei bei den vorgezogenen Par..
Frankfurter Rundschau
30. September 2024 um 08:43

Endstation für Le Pen? RN-Politikerin wegen mutmaßlicher Veruntreuung vor Gericht

Endstation für Le Pen? RN-Politikerin wegen mutmaßlicher Veruntreuung vor Gericht
Marine Le Pen, Vorsitzende der rechtsextremen Partei Rassemblement National (RN), steht mit 27 weiteren Angeklagten, darunter Julien Odoul, Louis Aliot und Jordan Bardella, wegen mutmaßlicher Veruntreuung von EU-Geldern in Höhe von 6,8 Millionen Euro für den Einsatz parlamentarischer Assistenten für Parteiaufgaben vor Gericht. Der Prozess könnte Le Pens Kandidatur bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 2027 gefährden und ihre Bemühungen, die Partei als wählbare Kraft in der Mitte der Gesellschaft zu eta..
30. September 2024 um 08:43

Endstation für Le Pen? RN-Politikerin wegen mutmaßlicher Veruntreuung vor Gericht

Endstation für Le Pen? RN-Politikerin wegen mutmaßlicher Veruntreuung vor Gericht
Laut Le Monde stellt sich die Partei Rassemblement National auf einen langwierigen Rechtsstreit ein. Ein Kassationsverfahren würde erst 2028 erwartet, was Le Pens Präsidentschaftskandidatur 2027 gefährden könnte.


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