2024-10-01 17:55:10

France's Ambitious Fiscal and Social Overhaul Under Barnier

France's new conservative Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, has outlined an ambitious program focusing on fiscal consolidation and social reforms. Facing a colossal national debt of €3.2 trillion, Barnier aims to reduce the national deficit to below 3% of GDP by 2029, with an interim target of 5% by 2025. To achieve this, he plans to implement spending cuts and increase taxes on large corporations and wealthy individuals.

These measures are seen as a departure from the liberal economic policies of President Emmanuel Macron. Despite this shift, Barnier insists that these changes will not undermine France's competitiveness.

Additionally, he has proposed a special tax contribution from the richest citizens, although he stopped short of reintroducing the wealth tax. In his fiscal strategy, Barnier emphasizes the importance of fiscal responsibility, warning that the current debt levels are unsustainable and pose a significant risk to the country's financial stability.

Alongside financial measures, Barnier is also committed to addressing environmental concerns. He plans to expand both nuclear energy and renewable energy sources, and has called for the state, as France's largest property owner, to lead by example in improving building insulation.

On the social front, Barnier is willing to negotiate adjustments to the controversial pension reform, which raises the retirement age from 62 to 64. Additionally, Barnier has announced stricter immigration controls, including more efficient processing of asylum applications and extended detention periods for deportees.

This move comes amid national outcry over a tragic incident involving an immigrant. The Prime Minister’s program faces significant opposition in a deeply divided parliament, with left-wing parties already planning a no-confidence motion.

Barnier's ability to navigate this political landscape will be crucial for the success of his ambitious agenda.

Yahoo News
1. Oktober 2024 um 06:15

French Premier Barnier eyes tax hikes worth up to 18 billion euros, Parisien reports

French Prime Minister Michel Barnier plans tax hikes on corporations, energy companies, share buybacks, top earners' income, and electricity to boost revenues by 15-18 billion euros, while postponing France's 3% deficit target to 2029. Barnier will outline his priorities in a much-awaited speech and hand over the 2025 state budget to lawmakers by mid-October, as the euro zone's second-biggest economy faces a budget deficit at risk of topping 6% of economic output.
Al Jazeera
1. Oktober 2024 um 15:05

PM Barnier tells parliament France must trim its ‘colossal’ debt

PM Barnier, a right-wing ex-EU negotiator appointed by centrist Macron, faces opposition from France's Unbowed party as he vows to slash 'colossal' debt and deficit through spending cuts, tax hikes on big firms. Delays New Caledonia elections amid unrest.
1. Oktober 2024 um 15:55

"An Extraordinary Contribution for the Wealthiest": France Plans Tax Increases and Austerity Measures

"An Extraordinary Contribution for the Wealthiest": France Plans Tax Increases and Austerity Measures
France's new conservative Prime Minister Michel Barnier announced in his government declaration tax increases for large companies and the wealthy, as well as austerity measures, in order to consolidate the country's finances by 2029. The focus of the budget consolidation is to be on spending cuts, without affecting the weakest or health, education and social services. Due to excessive new borrowing, the EU Commission is conducting a deficit procedure against France; the government must submit a..
1. Oktober 2024 um 15:43

France: Eggdance in the Assemblée nationale

France: Eggdance in the Assemblée nationale
France's new Prime Minister Michel Barnier, a member of the conservative Républicains, presented his government declaration; he has to find a majority in parliament and tries to appease both the far-right Rassemblement National as well as President Emmanuel Macron's party. Barnier wants to consolidate state finances, control immigration and push through reforms such as a pension reform, but faces a deeply divided National Assembly.


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