2024-10-03 17:55:09

Britain Cedes Chagos Islands to Mauritius Amid Criticism and Praise

Image courtesy of : (Anne-Marie Schröder, Quelle Charles und Anne Sheppard – Universität Warwick)

The United Kingdom has agreed to transfer sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, marking the end of a prolonged colonial-era dispute. This decision follows a ruling by the International Court of Justice that deemed Britain's control over the islands unlawful. The islands have been a point of contention due to the forcible expulsion of Chagossians in the 1960s and 70s to establish a military base.

Diego Garcia, the site of the US-UK military base, will remain under the control of both nations, a stipulation welcomed by the United States for its strategic importance in global security operations. The base has played a crucial role during conflicts such as the Cold War and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The agreement has been met with a mixed response. While Mauritius' Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth and Foreign Minister Maneesh Gobin have expressed approval, calling it a historic moment, Conservative critics in the UK have labeled it as a sell-out of British interests. They raise concerns about Mauritius' close ties with China, which could impact future geopolitical dynamics.

Mauritius has long claimed the islands, and the recent agreement allows the return of displaced Chagossians and their descendants. The deal is seen as a diplomatic victory for Mauritius, supported by the UN and other international bodies. US President Joe Biden has hailed the agreement as an exemplar of overcoming historical disputes through diplomacy.

The resolution not only addresses past injustices but also establishes a framework for cooperation on issues like environmental protection and security, fostering a new chapter in UK-Mauritius relations.

The Guardian
3. Oktober 2024 um 16:56

Britain to return Chagos Islands to Mauritius ending years of dispute

The UK will return the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, ending a dispute over Britain's last African colony. The UK expelled the Chagossians in the 1960s-70s, retaining the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). This followed rulings by the ICJ, UN general assembly, and Itlos that the UK's separation was unlawful. The UK initially defied UN votes and court judgments demanding it return the islands, but negotiations began in 2022 after Mauritian arguments for sovereignty were recognized. An attempt..
Al Jazeera
3. Oktober 2024 um 10:16

UK agrees to give sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius

The UK will transfer Chagos Islands sovereignty, including Diego Garcia base, to Mauritius after the ICJ ruled the UK's eviction of the population was unlawful. The deal includes UK financial support, cooperation on environmental protection, maritime security, and combating drugs and human trafficking, heralding a new era of economic, security and environmental partnership between the nations.
New York Times - Europe
4. Oktober 2024 um 01:37

U.K. to Return Chagos Islands to Mauritius, Ending Colonial-Era Dispute

Britain to cede Chagos Islands to Mauritius; U.S. to retain Diego Garcia base; UN, courts ruled Britain's control illegal; African pressure accelerated talks; base vital for regional, global security; UK, Mauritius PMs announce agreement.
World - South China Morning Post
3. Oktober 2024 um 11:58

Britain to give Chagos Island to Mauritius, retain US-UK military base

Britain to give Chagos Island to Mauritius, retain US-UK military base
Britain to transfer Chagos Islands to Mauritius, allowing displaced population to return; retain use of strategic Diego Garcia military base with US, resolving contested sovereignty and legal issues; base plays vital role in security, addressing inherited long-term threat.


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