2024-10-03 23:55:09

Evacuations Unfold Amid Rising Tensions in Lebanon

Spain has initiated the evacuation of its citizens from Lebanon, with the first two flights to Madrid already underway. Between 400 and 500 Spaniards are expected to leave, out of approximately 1,000 registered residents.

The urgency of these evacuations comes amidst escalating violence, including an Israeli airstrike that tragically killed six Palestinians. The Spanish government is actively encouraging its citizens to depart, with the possibility of additional flights if needed.

Other countries, including the US, UK, Germany, and Canada, are also organizing evacuations for their nationals as the situation in Lebanon deteriorates. Notably, Spain's military has been involved in peacekeeping efforts in the region, with 676 soldiers currently stationed there.

The international response is crucial as various governments coordinate flights and humanitarian aid for those affected by the conflict.

New York Times - Middle East
3. Oktober 2024 um 17:28

Foreign Governments Are Evacuating Their Citizens From Lebanon

Govts evacuating citizens from Lebanon (pop. 5.3M) as Israeli airstrikes hit Beirut. US, UK, Spain, Germany, Canada organizing flights, securing seats. US chartered flight, UK chartering, Spain's Airbus A330 evacuated 380. US identified 800 seats, Germany delivered aid, 200 Canadians left. Lebanon hosts 177,000 migrant workers, many domestic. Megan Specia and Michael Crowley contributed.
3. Oktober 2024 um 15:18

First plane with 204 Spaniards evacuated from Lebanon arrives in Madrid

Arrival in Madrid of 204 Spaniards evacuated from Lebanon; a second plane with 37 passengers is scheduled for this afternoon; evacuations without problems; possible third plane if necessary; 650 Spanish soldiers in Lebanon on a UN peacekeeping mission.
3. Oktober 2024 um 17:02

First Colombian Air Force plane lands in Bogotá with 117 repatriated from Lebanon

A Colombian Air Force plane repatriates 117 Colombians from Lebanon after the Israeli bombings. The government is organizing evacuation flights and providing humanitarian aid.
3. Oktober 2024 um 18:00

Spain begins evacuation of its citizens from Lebanon: the first two planes take off to Madrid

Spain begins evacuation of its citizens from Lebanon: the first two planes take off to Madrid
Spain begins the evacuation of its citizens from Lebanon; the first two planes take off to Madrid. Between 400 and 500 out of about 1,000 registered Spanish residents can leave. A second plane will depart later. Six Palestinians, half of them children, were killed in an Israeli airstrike; the UN mission 'UNIFIL' in Lebanon. 676 Spanish soldiers on a peacekeeping mission. The Spanish government calls on its citizens to leave. The possibility of sending a third plane if necessary.


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