2024-10-04 13:29:09

EU Court Annuls EU-Morocco Agreements Over Western Sahara Consent

The European Court of Justice has annulled the fishing and agriculture agreements between the European Union and Morocco, citing the lack of consent from the people of Western Sahara. This decision highlights the rights of the Polisario Front, representing the Sahrawi independence movement, to challenge these agreements. The cancellation could lead to significant financial losses for Morocco, potentially losing 52 million euros annually from allowing 128 European vessels, mainly from Spain's Andalusia, Canary Islands, and Galicia, to fish in its waters.

The Court's ruling aligns with its previous decision favoring the Polisario Front. Despite the annulment, the Court has granted a twelve-month grace period for executing the agricultural verdict to avoid severe negative impacts on the EU's external activities. This decision comes amidst a backdrop of complex political tensions surrounding the status of Western Sahara, which Morocco considers part of its sovereign territory.

The annulment underscores the necessity for agreements involving disputed territories to secure the consent of the local population. While the Commission and the Council have lodged an appeal, the ruling remains a significant legal and political development. It reinforces the importance of respecting international law and consultation processes in agreements affecting contested regions.

This decision also triggers broader discussions about labeling products originating from disputed areas. The European Court's stance strengthens the rights of independence advocates, adding complexity to EU-Morocco relations and potential economic implications for both sides.

4. Oktober 2024 um 08:32

The European Court of Justice overturns the EU's fishing and agriculture agreements with Morocco

The Court of Justice of the EU annulled the fisheries and trade agreements between the EU and Morocco, considering that the consent of the Sahrawi people was not obtained; the Polisario Front challenged these agreements for affecting Western Sahara.
4. Oktober 2024 um 14:09

16 Sahrawis Deported to Morocco Who Had Requested Asylum at Barajas

16 Sahrawis who requested asylum at Barajas were deported to Morocco by the Ministry of Interior on a flight to Marrakech at 11:50 pm on Thursday, according to the criteria and requirements established by national and international law on protection; some still remain and will be deported on Sunday; the Moroccan authorities have detained and are interrogating some of them; the Court of Justice of the EU declared the fishing agreements with Morocco illegal as they do not have the consent of the..
4. Oktober 2024 um 10:00

The European Court of Justice annuls the fishing and agriculture agreements between the EU and Morocco

The European Court of Justice annuls the fishing and agriculture agreements between the EU and Morocco
The Court of Justice of the EU annuls the fishing and agriculture agreements between the EU and Morocco; the consent of the people of Western Sahara was not obtained; the Polisario Front, the representative of the Sahrawi independence movement, has the right to challenge these agreements.
4. Oktober 2024 um 09:46

Der Europäische Gerichtshof annulliert die Fischerei- und Landwirtschaftsabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und Marokko

Der Europäische Gerichtshof annulliert die Fischerei- und Landwirtschaftsabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und Marokko
Der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union hat die Fischerei- und Landwirtschaftsabkommen zwischen der EU und Marokko für nichtig erklärt. Das Polisario-Front, der Vertreter der Unabhängigkeitsbewegung der Sahara, hatte die Abkommen über Westsahara angefochten. Die Kommission und der Rat haben Berufung gegen das Urteil des Gerichts eingelegt. Das Urteil betrifft hauptsächlich die Flotten von Andalusien, den Kanarischen Inseln und Galicien. Marokko könnte jährlich 52 Millionen Euro verlieren, indem..


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