2024-10-07 23:55:09

Court Upholds Report on AfD Extremism

Image courtesy of : AFP (RONNY HARTMANN)

The Dresden Administrative Court has deemed the inclusion of the right-wing extremist elements of the AfD in the Saxon Constitutional Protection Report 2020 lawful. The report, which details the dissolution of the extremist wing and a judgment prohibiting its observation, classified the Saxon AfD as securely right-wing extremist.

This classification has been legally contested by the AfD, but their urgent application was rejected due to substantial evidence of actions against human dignity and democracy. The court's decision allows the AfD to appeal to the Higher Administrative Court.

Meanwhile, political debate continues over the potential banning of the AfD, highlighting the party's controversial actions and statements that threaten democratic principles. There is concern that banning the party could lead to further radicalization of its supporters.

The ongoing discussion reflects a broader question of how to address parties perceived as threats to democracy.

7. Oktober 2024 um 16:59

Saxony: Mention of the AfD in the Constitutional Protection Report was lawful - DER SPIEGEL

Saxony: Mention of the AfD in the Constitutional Protection Report was lawful - DER SPIEGEL
The Administrative Court of Dresden decided that the mention of the AfD in the 2020 Saxon Constitutional Protection Report was lawful. The report contained information about the right-wing extremist "Flügel" faction of the AfD as well as quotes from Jörg Urban and Jan Zwerg. The court referred to the dissolution of the "Flügel" and the prohibition of its classification as right-wing extremist by the Administrative Court of Cologne. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified the..
7. Oktober 2024 um 15:49

Mention of the AfD in the Constitutional Protection Report is lawful

Mention of the AfD in the Constitutional Protection Report is lawful
The AfD was mentioned in the 2020 Saxon Constitutional Protection Report, as the right-wing extremist wing of the party was addressed in it. The report quoted the state chairman of the AfD, Jörg Urban, and the general secretary, Jan Zwerg, as supporters of the wing. The Dresden Administrative Court decided that this mention was lawful.
7. Oktober 2024 um 17:06

AfD fails in court: Mention in the Saxon constitutional protection report is lawful

AfD fails in court: Mention in the Saxon constitutional protection report is lawful
The AfD sued against mentions in the Saxon constitutional protection report 2020. The Administrative Court of Dresden dismissed the lawsuit. The report described the wing as an extremist AfD association; it also quoted the state chairman of the AfD, Jörg Urban, and the general secretary Jan-Oliver Zwerg as supporters of the wing.


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