2024-10-09 23:55:09

Coalition Struggles with COVID-19 Evaluation

The Traffic Light Coalition is embroiled in a dispute over how to evaluate the COVID-19 pandemic response. The FDP proposed an Enquete Commission, while the SPD favored a Citizens' Council. Although there were recent considerations to implement both, disagreements persist over their composition. Concerns also arise that evaluating the pandemic response by Fall 2025 might be futile. Green Party leader Katharina Dröge acknowledges the lack of a common solution.

Efforts to assess the pandemic policies have hit a dead end due to disagreements within the coalition. Criticism has emerged over perceived infringements on basic rights during the pandemic, and there is a push to integrate pandemic lessons into healthcare reforms. Meanwhile, the FDP is experiencing internal pressure, with calls for a member vote on leaving the coalition due to poor electoral results in Eastern Germany.

These internal conflicts underscore the coalition's challenges in addressing critical policy areas, including healthcare and women's and family policies. Despite significant investments, the coalition's efforts face criticism, highlighting the urgency for consensus and effective action as the Bundestag elections approach.

8. Oktober 2024 um 12:20

COVID-19 Pandemic: Traffic Light Coalition Fails at Evaluation

Traffic Light Coalition Dispute over COVID-19 Evaluation: FDP wanted an Enquete Commission, SPD wanted a Citizens' Council. Recently, considerations to implement both. But SPD and FDP disagree on the composition. Additionally, concerns that an evaluation by Fall 2025 would no longer make sense. Green Party faction leader Katharina Dröge sees no common solution.
9. Oktober 2024 um 13:11

"There is no consensus in the coalition on this": Bundestag's review of the Corona pandemic apparently off the table

"There is no consensus in the coalition on this": Bundestag's review of the Corona pandemic apparently off the table
Review of Corona policy by the Bundestag failed; differences of opinion between parties; instead, reforms in the health sector; criticism of the SPD; measures taken by the federal and state governments, implemented differently; SPD parliamentary group leader Katja Mast comments; time until the federal election no longer sufficient.
9. Oktober 2024 um 13:00

The Permanent Failure: The Traffic Light Coalition Leaves Women and Families Behind

The Permanent Failure: The Traffic Light Coalition Leaves Women and Families Behind
The traffic light coalition is failing in women's and family policy: No nationwide day care quality standards; Day care strike in Berlin threatens; Protection against violence is not making progress; Maternity protection for the self-employed and family start-up time are delayed. Despite billions in investments and announcements, the balance sheet is disastrous a year before the federal election.
9. Oktober 2024 um 16:27

Failed Corona Review: A Sentence That Could Have Fateful Consequences for the Traffic Light Coalition

Failed Corona Review: A Sentence That Could Have Fateful Consequences for the Traffic Light Coalition
The traffic light coalition fails to implement a comprehensive review of the Corona pandemic; populists smell a chance.


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