2024-10-10 17:55:10

Black Redstart Named Bird of the Year 2025

The Black Redstart, a sparrow-sized songbird known for its gray-black plumage and striking red tail, has been named Bird of the Year 2025. Garnering 42,325 votes from a pool of 143,400 participants, this selection highlights both the bird's charm and its ecological importance. Originally a high mountain dweller, the Black Redstart has adapted to urban environments, nesting under roof overhangs and in building crevices. Despite its resilience, the species faces challenges from habitat loss due to building renovations and a decline in insect populations.

This election, organized by Nabu and LBV, aims to raise awareness about conservation issues impacting bird species. The Black Redstart's selection underscores pressing environmental concerns, including the decrease in available nesting sites. With an estimated 800,000 to 1.1 million breeding pairs across the country, this bird's survival is not currently threatened, yet its story is a poignant reminder of the delicate balance needed to maintain biodiversity. The honor of Bird of the Year draws attention to the need for continued efforts in habitat preservation and the sustainable management of urban spaces.
10. Oktober 2024 um 13:29

Redstart Crowned as "Bird of the Year 2025" - DER SPIEGEL

Redstart Crowned as "Bird of the Year 2025" - DER SPIEGEL
The redstart, a 13-15 cm long songbird, was elected the "Bird of the Year 2025" with 30.2% of the votes. It is an "Early Bird" that nests under house niches and gables, but is finding fewer and fewer breeding sites. It is also affected by the decline in insects. In winter, the redstart usually spends time in North Africa or the Middle East. The election was organized by Nabu and LBV, who made a pre-selection of 5 candidates, each representing an important nature conservation issue.
10. Oktober 2024 um 11:22

Great Honor for the Small House Sparrow

The House Sparrow is the "Bird of the Year" 2025 and is a songbird about the size of a sparrow with a distinctive red tail. It is unaffected by disturbances and is known for its nervous bobbing. The Redstart is another Redstart species, whose males have a rusty-red breast and white forehead. Many House Sparrows winter in North Africa or the Middle East.
10. Oktober 2024 um 10:53

The Black Redstart is the Bird of the Year 2025

The Black Redstart is the Bird of the Year 2025
The Black Redstart is the Bird of the Year 2025 with 42,325 votes. Other candidates were the Long-eared Owl, the Black Woodpecker, the Black Stork, and the Crane. The Black Redstart is a songbird about the size of a sparrow with a gray-black plumage and a striking red tail.
10. Oktober 2024 um 10:53

Nachfolger des Kiebitz: Der Hausrotschwanz ist „Vogel des Jahres“ 2025

Nachfolger des Kiebitz: Der Hausrotschwanz ist „Vogel des Jahres“ 2025
Der Hausrotschwanz, Insektenfresser und Gebäudebrüter, ist Vogel des Jahres 2025, gewählt von Nabu und LBV, die diesen Titel seit 1971 verleihen. Die Bevölkerung darf seit 2021 wählen. Er setzte sich gegen andere Kandidaten durch, die jeweils ein wichtiges Naturschutzthema vertreten, hat aber durch Haussanierungen und Insektensterben Probleme, obwohl sein Bestand nicht als gefährdet gilt.


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