2024-10-10 23:55:09

Söder's Call for Political Change Amid Economic Struggles

Image courtesy of : AFP (JOHN MACDOUGALL)

Germany faces economic challenges, prompting CSU leader Markus Söder to demand new elections and the immediate resignation of Green ministers Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock. Söder argues the current coalition is ineffective, describing it as "politically comatose." He criticizes the Green ministers as "faces of the crisis," urging their departure. Despite internal disagreements, with CSU Vice Manfred Weber open to Green cooperation, Söder firmly rejects a federal coalition with them.

The economic downturn has intensified political tensions within the governing coalition, as growth forecasts are lowered and the risk of a recession looms. Finance Minister Christian Lindner plans to address fiscal challenges, but opposition remains strong.

Moreover, Söder's CSU positions itself as the anti-coalition party, advocating for a cap on asylum applications and the reintroduction of mandatory military service. As dissatisfaction with the current government grows, Söder rallies his party for a power shift in Berlin. Meanwhile, public sentiment is mixed, with many doubting that a CDU-led government would fare better. This political landscape sets the stage for an intense electoral battle ahead.

10. Oktober 2024 um 15:30

One Year Before the Election: CSU Party Conference Begins with Söder Speech

One Year Before the Election: CSU Party Conference Begins with Söder Speech
CSU party conference in Augsburg; Speeches by party leader Markus Söder and chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz; Demands for limiting immigration with a cap of under 100,000 asylum applications per year, reintroduction of compulsory military service, general compulsory service for men and women, higher defense spending, replacement of the traffic light coalition, return of the Union to the Chancellery, as well as thematic priorities on migration policy.
10. Oktober 2024 um 15:32

Where is the Climate Party Heading? - Resignations, Withdrawals, Low Polling: "The Golden Times of the Greens Are Over for Now"

Where is the Climate Party Heading? - Resignations, Withdrawals, Low Polling: "The Golden Times of the Greens Are Over for Now"
According to political scientist Norbert Kersting, migration is no longer a winning topic, which is reflected in the worse results of the CDU in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia. He believes that the Union wants to wrap up the migration issue as soon as possible and fight the federal election campaign with other topics. Despite all the disputes and criticism, he assumes that the Greens will achieve a double-digit result next year.
Frankfurter Rundschau
10. Oktober 2024 um 15:09

Manfred Weber not on the CSU line

Manfred Weber not on the CSU line
The CSU politician Manfred Weber, who heads the conservative EPP group in the EU Parliament, is open to a coalition with the Greens and calls for a balanced refugee policy that adheres to the right of asylum and the Geneva Refugee Convention, which does not correspond to the strict CSU line. CSU leader Markus Söder and CDU leader Friedrich Merz are speaking at the CSU party conference, where the party is positioning itself as an anti-traffic light party. The CSU party elders speak of a "misjud..
10. Oktober 2024 um 17:01

Union Remains in First Place: SPD and Greens Gain Slightly in Poll - FDP Loses

Union Remains in First Place: SPD and Greens Gain Slightly in Poll - FDP Loses
The traffic light coalition is having a hard time with voters. SPD and Greens are gaining slightly, while FDP is losing support. CDU/CSU are stronger than the traffic light parties combined. AfD and Sahra Wagenknecht's party remain unchanged.


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