2024-10-10 09:00:09

Spain Advocates for Positive Migration Policies Amidst European Challenges

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is championing the economic and demographic benefits of migration, despite rising anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe. As neighbors like Germany toughen border controls, Spain is taking a different approach.

Through labor programs and residency reforms, Spain aims to simplify migrant integration, recognizing their qualifications and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. Sánchez argues that migration is essential for economic growth and demographic stability, countering false narratives with data.

He highlights that immigrants contribute significantly to Spain's workforce and social security while using fewer public resources than natives. Spain's historical context as a nation of emigrants informs Sánchez's push for a welcoming policy.

He seeks to implement the European Pact on Migration and Asylum earlier, addressing the crisis in the Canary Islands. His government plans to expand migrant reception centers and promote a model of successful integration, emphasizing shared constitutional values.

Sánchez's stance presents a stark contrast to the growing wave of xenophobia across the continent.

Yahoo News
9. Oktober 2024 um 12:38

Spain's Sanchez touts benefits of migration as European neighbours tighten borders

Spain to ease immigration via labor program, residency reform including recognizing qualifications, simplified contracts, reduced red tape; PM Sanchez touts economic benefits as Germany, others tighten borders with temporary controls, Albania detention camps. Spain's growth boosted by Latin immigrants; anti-immigrant views fuel far-right, Canary Islands see migrant crisis. Sanchez seeks migrant burden-sharing, rejects navy action, faces opposition criticism on low-skilled migrants.
10. Oktober 2024 um 03:00

No Respect for Victims or Migrants

President Sánchez presents a national plan for integration and intercultural coexistence, a new immigration regulation, 6,000 more reception places, and a new labor migration program. His approach contrasts with the punitivism and security formulas of the PP, which instrumentalizes the terrorism of ETA.
10. Oktober 2024 um 03:40

Sánchez goes on the offensive against the anti-immigration wave fueled by the far-right detected by polls

The president is deploying a positive discourse and seeks an agreement with the Canarian Clavijo, whom he receives this Thursday, to put pressure on the PP, which he places trapped by Vox. Spain is once again an exception in European politics. Without in July 2023 becoming one of the few countries that stopped the conservative wave, and also leaving Vox's far-right below 13%, a low figure by current European standards, this Wednesday it was also highlighted by having not only a Government but a..
10. Oktober 2024 um 03:00

Migrations: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Our governments have put so much effort into managing human mobility as a threat that society has ended up seeing it as the problem that it is not. If it is presented as a problem, discussed as a problem and managed as a problem, it is naive to expect the public to perceive migrations as anything other than a problem. The 40dB. survey for EL PAÍS and Cadena SER - which offered this week a gloomy panorama of the social perception of this issue - is, first of all, the direct consequence of an in..


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