2024-10-12 09:00:10

China's Economic Revival Efforts Take Shape

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China is embarking on a significant economic stimulus initiative to counteract a looming economic slowdown. The government has announced the issuance of 2.3 trillion yuan in bonds aimed at alleviating local government debt and supporting the financial system. This comprehensive plan includes special treasury bonds for bank recapitalization and support for the property market. In addition, measures are being implemented to bolster the income of low-income individuals and encourage spending among households.

Financial policymakers are also focused on revitalizing the real estate sector by reducing mortgage interest rates, a move that aims to stimulate buying activity and stabilize the housing market. Despite these efforts, the central challenge remains a structural economic slowdown, exacerbated by deflationary risks and ongoing trade tensions.

The initiative underscores the urgency from China's leadership to reach a targeted 5% economic growth rate. However, the execution of these stimulus measures and their effectiveness in boosting household consumption and investment remain crucial. As China navigates these economic challenges, investors remain cautiously optimistic, looking for more detailed plans to ensure sustainable growth.

Deutsche Welle
12. Oktober 2024 um 04:39

China announces stimulus plan to revive economic growth

China issues 2.3T yuan bonds, lowers local debt, boosts counter-cyclical policies, cuts rates, injects bank liquidity to revive economy facing 5% growth risk, structural slowdown, deflation, export reliance, trade tensions.
12. Oktober 2024 um 04:30

Economic Stimulus Program: Real Estate Loans in China Become Cheaper

Chinese banks are lowering interest rates for real estate loans, except in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen; the adjustments will be implemented in stages.
Yahoo Finance
12. Oktober 2024 um 05:51

Analysis-China's stimulus message leaves investors wanting though hanging onto hope

China aims for 5% growth, but risks of flawed stimulus execution, poor communication linger; investors cautiously optimistic despite lacking specifics on spending.
Yahoo Finance
12. Oktober 2024 um 06:10

Factbox-China unveils fiscal stimulus measures to revive growth

China's fiscal stimulus includes increased local bond quotas for debt resolution, a debt swap program, special treasury bonds for bank recapitalization, property market support, boosted support for low-income individuals and students, the issuance of special ultra-long treasury bonds, and 3.9 trillion yuan in special bonds planned for 2024.
12. Oktober 2024 um 06:45

Chinas große Banken senken wohl Zinsen für Immobilienkredite - DER SPIEGEL

Chinas Führung senkt Zinsen für Immobilienkredite, um Wirtschaftskraft zu stärken. Ausnahmen gelten für bestimmte Regionen. Banken passen Zinssätze schrittweise an. Frühere Maßnahmen wie Rückkaufprogramm und Hypothekenzinsanpassungen zeigten bisher nicht genug Wirkung. Finanzminister kündigt Ausgabe von Staatsanleihen, Unterstützung für Menschen mit geringem Einkommen und Kapitalaufstockung staatlicher Banken an. Maßnahmen sollen Folgen der Coronapandemie abfedern; Politbüro signalisierte Drin..


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