2024-10-12 17:55:09

Hamburg's SPD Champions Tschentscher for State Election

The Hamburg SPD has decisively chosen Peter Tschentscher as their leading candidate for the upcoming state election, garnering a remarkable 97.3% approval at the party conference. This announcement sets the stage for a competitive political arena where several parties, including the CDU, AfD, FDP, and the Left, have also put forward their candidates. The Greens have nominated Katharina Fegebank, while parliamentary group leader Özdemir is representing the Left.

Tschentscher, who has been at the helm since 2018, aims to continue his successful policies in education and economic reinforcement. Under his leadership, the SPD has been emphasizing stability, family-friendliness, and strong social policies, which they believe have been crucial in overcoming crises.

Hamburg's SPD has maintained a stronghold in the region since 2011, initially under Olaf Scholz and later under Tschentscher, in a coalition with the Greens that holds a two-thirds majority in parliament. Recent polls suggest the SPD and their Green allies continue to lead with significant support.

The political landscape is further animated by the absence of a state association from the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance in Hamburg, allowing the SPD to focus on consolidating their influence. Meanwhile, the AfD's Berlin branch has named Beatrix von Storch as their top candidate for the Bundestag, highlighting their intent to shift the political discourse.

As the election date approaches, each party is preparing to showcase their strengths and strategies to capture the electorate's favor, with Tschentscher's SPD aiming to reiterate their commitment to progressive governance and societal stability.

12. Oktober 2024 um 13:58

City Parliament Election: Tschentscher is the Top Candidate of the SPD Hamburg

City Parliament Election: Tschentscher is the Top Candidate of the SPD Hamburg
Peter Tschentscher, the Mayor of Hamburg, is the top candidate of the SPD for the 2025 City Parliament election. He was elected with 97.3% of the votes. The SPD has been governing Hamburg since 2011, when the current Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz was the Mayor. Scholz later moved to Berlin as the Finance Minister.
12. Oktober 2024 um 13:38

State Party Conference of the Greens in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Continuity at the Top

State Party Conference of the Greens in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Continuity at the Top
The Greens in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania re-elected state chairpersons Katharina Horn and Ole Krüger; Claudia Müller is to run for the Greens in the Bundestag; Parliamentary State Secretary Müller in the Ministry of Food and Agriculture; Constanze Oehlrich is the new parliamentary group leader in the state parliament.
12. Oktober 2024 um 12:51

Hamburg SPD elects Tschentscher as top candidate

Hamburg SPD elects Tschentscher as top candidate
The Hamburg SPD is running with Mayor Tschentscher as the top candidate in the state parliament election on March 2, 2023, the only state election before the 2025 federal election. Tschentscher emphasized Hamburg's stability and family-friendliness under SPD leadership, for example through investments in schools, housing construction and social services. At the same time, the party is taking action against internal disciplinary violations.
12. Oktober 2024 um 12:43

State Association Berlin: AfD goes into the federal election campaign with Beatrix von Storch

State Association Berlin: AfD goes into the federal election campaign with Beatrix von Storch
The Berlin AfD has elected Beatrix von Storch, a well-known AfD politician, as the top candidate for the 2025 federal election. In the last federal election in 2021, the party received 9.4% of the second votes.


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