2024-10-13 13:29:08

Lithuania's Parliamentary Shift: A Potential Turn to the Left

Lithuania is experiencing a significant political transition as voters head to the polls for parliamentary elections. With 2.4 million eligible voters, the election will determine 141 members of the Seimas. This election is poised to bring about a shift in power, as the opposition Social Democrats, led by Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, are expected to replace the center-right coalition led by Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

The Social Democrats have promised tax cuts for families and increased social benefits, appealing to citizens frustrated with high prices. Meanwhile, a newly registered populist party, Nemuno Aušra, founded by Remigijus Žemaitaitis, might enter the parliament for the first time, despite controversies surrounding its leader.

President Gitanas Nauseda, who was re-elected in May with the support of the Social Democrats, endorses the anticipated governmental change. While domestic policies might see alterations, major parties remain united in their commitment to supporting Ukraine and enhancing defense against Russia.

Lithuania's strategic location, bordering the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad and Belarus, underscores the importance of defense policies. As a NATO member, Lithuania's defense strategy includes Germany's plan to station a brigade permanently within its borders.

Despite recent economic growth and low inflation, voter dissatisfaction with COVID-19 and migration policies has been evident. Nonetheless, any new government is not expected to deviate significantly from Lithuania's current foreign policy stance. Instead, focus will likely remain on bolstering defense spending as tensions with Russia persist due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Tagesschau - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Europa
13. Oktober 2024 um 05:10

German NATO Ally Parliamentary Elections in Lithuania Have Begun

Parliamentary elections in Lithuania, a German NATO partner country, are expected to result in a change of government. The opposition Social Democrats could become the strongest force. Lithuania borders Russia and Belarus, and is therefore exposed on NATO's eastern flank. Germany plans to permanently station a Bundeswehr brigade in Lithuania.
Deutsche Welle
13. Oktober 2024 um 05:36

Lithuania election: Polls open as center-left eyes victory

Lithuania election: Polls open as center-left eyes victory
Lithuanian parliamentary elections; center-left coalition likely to replace center-right government; both parties support pro-Ukraine stance, military spending; German soldiers help beef up Lithuania's defense.
13. Oktober 2024 um 05:31

Lithuania: Lithuanians vote for a new parliament

Lithuania: Lithuanians vote for a new parliament
Parliamentary elections in Lithuania; Social Democrats possibly the strongest force; populist party Morgenröte von Nemunas could enter; President Nausėda advocates a change of government; conservative Prime Minister Simonyte and Homeland Union only third; major parties agree on foreign and defense policy, support for Ukraine; election according to proportional representation and direct mandates; 2.8 million inhabitants; Germany stations a combat-ready brigade in Lithuania.
13. Oktober 2024 um 09:08

Lithuanians head to the polls for parliamentary election

Lithuanians head to the polls for parliamentary election
Lithuania's parliamentary election; 2.4M voters elect 141 Seimas members; opposition Social Democrats led by Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, smaller centre-left parties may replace centre-right coalition led by PM Ingrida Šimonytė; Homeland Union, Nemuno Aušra party founded by Remigijus Žemaitaitis also expected to gain support; runoff vote on 27 October; COVID-19 measures, migrant influx shape voter concerns; Lithuania sees double-digit personal income growth, low EU inflation.


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