2024-10-13 13:29:08

Rising Gas Costs: A Looming Challenge for Households

Germany faces a significant increase in gas costs, primarily driven by rising network charges. Approximately 700 gas network operators, covering 43% of households, are implementing fee hikes that could lead to additional expenses of up to 445 euros annually for families.

The Bundesnetzagentur attributes these increases to reduced gas demand, with some operators raising fees by as much as 56%. As a result, households could experience a 25% price surge, translating to an average of 116 euros more for an annual consumption of 20,000 kWh.

Experts from Verivox recommend that consumers consider switching providers, as the price differences can exceed 1,000 euros, highlighting the urgent need for households to reassess their gas supply options.

13. Oktober 2024 um 09:01

Gas: Hundreds of Euros in Additional Costs Expected in 2025 - DER SPIEGEL

Gas: Hundreds of Euros in Additional Costs Expected in 2025 - DER SPIEGEL
Rising gas network fees are expected to lead to additional costs of up to 445 euros per single-family home in 2025. According to the Federal Network Agency, decreases in supply are the cause; the VKU confirms price increases. A Verivox expert advises customers to switch providers, as price differences can exceed 1000 euros. A total of 700 gas network operators serve 43% of households, with an average price increase of 25%, which translates to an additional 116 euros for an annual consumption of..
13. Oktober 2024 um 08:54

Gas Heating: Possible Cost Explosion - What's Behind It

Rising gas network charges could significantly burden households with gas heating; additional costs of up to 445 euros per single-family home possible; price comparison portal Verivox analyzes price development.
Tagesschau - Wirtschaft und Börsen-Nachrichten
13. Oktober 2024 um 12:35

Higher grid fees Gas customers have to expect higher costs

According to Verivox, there are around 700 gas network operators in Germany, which have so far covered 43% of all households. Many of these operators are increasing the network fees due to the declining demand for gas, which can lead to additional costs of up to 445 euros per year for gas customers. The Federal Statistical Office reports that gas prices for private households have risen in the first half of this year.


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